Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

This is great. It’s so weird that Elon allows it.

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A “No” vote is against the amendment granting access to abortion. Looks like Trumpy was getting some pushback internally.


Do more of this


When sniffing your own farts goes wrong.

Check the tape!

Seriously, fuck these people so hard, actively trying to stop kids from getting vaccines that can protect them from horrifying diseases is the most despicable new thing in modern politics.


!! Ty I didn’t know that.

I need to make a correction: Merchan is scheduled to rule on Trump’s motion to set aside the jury verdicts in the NY election interference (hush money/Stormy) case on September 16. For some reason I thought that was happening on September 6. :man_shrugging:

Anyway, that is just two (2) days before sentencing on September 18. Ofc sentencing assumes Merchan rules Trump can fuck off with his immunity and that any further whining and crying also fail.

Trump getting dragged by WSJ

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Sorry count me out with extreme malice. What is the point of this movie? There is zero chance there is any insight into anything we don’t already know and the audience will be 100% partisan.

I know nothing about this movie but I hate it a lot already.

to troll big daddy? own the deplorables? idk I’m not going to watch it either but maybe it causes a couple of ketchup throwing incidents

Will cause debates about whether he raped his wife to be in the news in October

Why is this important? Genuine question. If this movie didn’t exist he would just have a ketchup throwing incident about something else. They are like the sunrise.

The more I think about it the more this could be the single most pointless film ever. It serves no journalistic, political or artistic purpose. I guess artistic purpose is possible but very difficult to imagine the people involved actually care about given the timing.

It’s a ton of money that could have gone to a good movie but instead went to one whose entire purpose is the same as the guy who clips the millionth dumb thing Trump said for X. Spend the millions and all the effort on great independent film. The clips are free to make and take seconds.

I know nothing about this specific movie but like everybody else who has ever made a movie I think it’s safe to assume they want to make money, get famous, make even more money, be given a blank check to make their passion project starring Scarlett Johansson, etc etc etc. The timing best serves those purposes.

I know ScarJo is a box-office magnet and one of the highest paid female actors, but is she really as talented as (or so much hotter than) actors like Charlize Theron, Natalie Portman, Margo Robbie, Jennifer Lawrence, etc?

Did you see Bombshell? I imagine it is sort of like that in that it will bring to more public light just how bad things were behind the scenes. The Trump campaign is already huffing and puffing over it.

I’m down if it helps people see that his reputation as a successful business man was an illusion cultivated by the show. I bet they get into all kinds of other stuff that was happening in his personal life.

I would put Jennifer lawerence over scarjo.

I’ve never understood it at all. I don’t find her talented or that attractive. I’ve really only ever liked her in two movies, Under the Skin and Lost in Translation.

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