Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

He’s going out like Stan Chera.


I can’t even imagine what trying to teach this period of history will be like in 30+ years.

“Wait so this Trump guy got shot and…nobody cared?” Yes Johnny now let me tell you about couch fucking memes


What do they expect after nearly every mass shooting is forgotten after a week


I’m not a gun expert, but looks like he just had a holographic site. Scopes apparently too expensive now. Thanks Obama!

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Dude should have done a GoFundMe for a decent scope.


Okay. Alternative question. When was the last piece of news that stayed news for more than a week?

Maybe we are in the post news era.

Speaking of news that faded, my son asked me this morning if there was big news in 2001 that got completely forgotten/overshadowed because of 9/11. I couldn’t think of anything because a) I’m not good with remembering specific events by year, and b) I probably forgot because of 9/11.


The news that JD Vance fucked a couch is still kind of in the news.


Some have compared it to the OKC Bombing where media interest dissipated after they learned it was not a middle easterner.

Not big stories but regionally a lot of murders/missing persons cases disappeared from the news cycle. Some people even took advantage of it.

Chandra Levy the house intern that was found dead in a DC park?


If I have grandkids, I’m gonna have a peek at there US history book and see if couchfucking makes it in there. I doubt it will, but it will be difficult to tell the story accurately without it.

I also wonder how many historical couchfucking equivalents were left out of textbooks because that sort of thing just isn’t done.

That was the first thing that came to my mind. I was living in DC with a bunch of interns at the time, so I thought maybe I was just living in a bubble that overhyped the story… Then I looked at Wikipedia

“According to Condit, about a hundred reporters were camped out in front of his apartment during the morning of September 11, 2001, but they all left after news spread about that day’s terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.[93] Media critics and cable news executives later cited the Levy case, as well as the concurrent sensationalist coverage of a string of shark attacks, as a reflection of the manner of news coverage in the United States before the September 11 attacks had taken priority.[94][95]”

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Hey hey where’s your pa?

He’s in the white house Ha Ha Ha!




My “Donald Trump is Not Weird” sign has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my sign.


Chandra Levy coverage was incessant and endless