Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

TBF, he’d do that same pose over Ivana’s grave.

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Love this illustration of how they are going to cut up his suit to put in the trading cards.

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Today is the day he truly became President, IMO.


My favorite part is that if you spend 1500 dollars on digital trump cards you also get a cardboard Trump card for free


Good vibes.


Who wants to gambool and try to get a signed Trump suit card so you can sell it to some rube?

EDIT: nm, Trump will obviously keep them for himself to sell.

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Oh shit. We got him, we really got him. Right?


I think there has been a lot of cowardice amongst the attorneys charged with prosecuting him because of fear of political repercussions. Trump losing this election or even just tanking in the polls will do a lot to help prosecutors find their spine. So if there’s any chance that he will get got, it’s a Kamala win.

I guess the superseding version gets rid of some of the newly unusable stuff based on the immunity ruling.

The more I think about that ruling, the more pure rage I feel. If that does not lead these assholes obituaries….

Dred Scott, Plessy, and now Trump.

Huh? This is for something he already was charged with or new or what?

Haven’t read up yet, but I assume the reframed the charges to ensure they wouldn’t get fucked by the Supreme Court decision.


Superseding. It’s for Jan 6 except it cuts out stuff that could fit under the official acts carve out from the new bullshit immunity ruling.

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This seems like it could have legs.

I hope the Harris campaign runs with it.

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I spit out my drink when he announced “we are keeping the price of $99.”

These are digital cards and you get a real card only after buying 15 digital cards (to be fair that real card comes with a piece of his suit)

I want one of the suit pieces with a ketchup stain.


I know this isn’t the podcast thread but Behind the Bastards has a fantastic series out this week on how the so-called “liberal” media has furthered the cause of fascism m, and it’s so very pertinent to this conversation and election. Give it a listen imo


Good summary stolen from Reddit.

"For anyone that wants to read it directly:

Some key points:

  • Jack Smith’s team says that the superseding indictment was “presented to a new grand jury that had not previously heard evidence in this case,” which separately charged Trump with the same crimes.
  • Rather than go through the evidentiary hearing in DC, Jack Smith goes back to a grand jury and gets a superseding indictment based on what it believes satisfies the Supreme Court immunity decision. This resets the case, requires a new arraignment, and Court process.
  • The news is an entirely new grand jury decided to re-indict Trump on the same election subversion counts without seeing the evidence that the Supreme Court barred from consideration—i.e. the DOJ corruption stuff and any other conspiring with federal officials.
  • Jack Smith added “private” to all of the co-conspirators, to highlight their clearly non-official roles — and got rid of Jeffrey Clark, the DOJ guy who was willing to be acting AG and pursue Trump’s fake election fraud claims if Trump let him.
  • Judge Tanya Chutkan remains the judge on the case"
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haha he really said this