Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Hahaha what the fuck

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Trump Made $300,000 for Endorsing Bible, Financial Disclosure Shows

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He’s hired Lewandowski again. He’s flailing so hard I love it.

Lewandowski was capable of selling fresh cut meat in 2016. Let’s see if he’s now able to sell stuff that past it’s sell by date. They are not the same job.

Just love his use of random quotation marks, never fails to elicit a chuckle from me.

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Turkey did that but there’s always a way around it.

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Even for Trump that military comment is absolutely fucking insane.


It’s weird, but I would really love - in some bizarro fantasy world, obviously, since it’s an impossibility - to have Trump over to my house. No press, no secret service, nobody knows except, say, his family and mine. Just have him over for an afternoon. Just hang out, sit in the family room, shoot the shit. Ask him if he really believes some of the things he says. Nothing goes beyond the walls of my house. I want to see if he’s really a fucking maniac when there’s nobody to impress or grift or if there’s a sliver of a normal person in there somewhere.


It’s not quoted in the tweet, but he’s talking about Miriam Adelson for fuck’s sake! It’s the ultimate Kinsley gaffe—he genuinely understands an award for being a billionaire to be better than one for being a hero, because jumping on a grenade to save other people’s lives is a stupid thing to do, but being rich is good.


I dunno, I think it’s pretty easy to figure Trump out. I suspect he’s personally racist in a way that would have been pretty normal for 1-2 generations older than his, but otherwise he’s just a talented showman and manipulator who’s extremely narcissistic. He doesn’t really care about immigration or Muslims or what have you. He’d probably be quite charming in person if he felt inclined to charm you.

I certainly wouldn’t invite him into my home!


Gotta sign on to this. I sometimes find Trump amusing and remarkable, but he may be history’s least psychologically interesting figure. Weird yes, but totally transparent. And I am sure that he is terrible company.

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Oh, I have no doubt it would be awful to have him over to my house. I’m just curious what the experience would be like, especially if nobody else is around.

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He probably loves migrant labor. Sees it as cheaper and easier to stiff.


Also, I expect that having Trump over to my house would make me a worse person as well. Since I dislike him and don’t find him interesting at all it would probably provoke my worst instincts. I could see myself pestering him for stories about his college days at Fordham etc.


Whether it’s an audience of 1 or 1000 he’s still going to lie and talk about nothing except how great he is. Then he’d probably get bored and leave after 5 minutes. This is not a man who has intimate 1 on 1 conversations of any depth

So sad

ooooh…nice try