Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

somebody said it might be his dentures

elon volunteering to be on a govt spending accountability committee that he thinks we need

both of them are holding up argentina as getting their inflation under control by cutting govt spending and thats all we need to do

trump wants to close department of education

His dentures are loose :joy:

Edit: Or maybe heā€™s not wearing them. Sounds a lot my my great gram sounded when she didnā€™t have hers in



The comment about some other places having an iron dome that no one knows about? He was POTUS, so he did know some secrets. He means Saudi Arabia and itā€™s a secret because they bought it from Israel. imo.


Just a non stop stream of bullshit and Elon is either too dumb or too scared to stop it. I doubt heā€™s picking up many votes here

Not even all that radical a stance among rightwingers,

Elon: Wellā€¦are there any other topics we should touch onā€¦ oh, what about lawfare??

lol, just a conversation!

At least 40% chance he thinks itā€™s a literal dome of riveted iron that opens when planes need to come in to land.


idk that doesnā€™t seem clear at all?

sounds like he might have said ā€œsheā€™s so fucking badā€


yea def just wasnā€™t sure if he had said it before but he was clear on this though

Sounds pretty boring so far?

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Yeah, just all the same shit as always.

Itā€™s 90% doom and gloom, 10% braggadocio. I donā€™t think this messaging is gonna work for him

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Tuned in and then tuned out, not out of outrage or disgust, but out of boredom. Low-energy Donald.

This guy



I could be convinced. I guess either one is pretty bad.

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