Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

yea hes just rambling for 20 mins on the shooting right now

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This is the closest I’ll ever come to feeling bad for Elon Musk.


“when i was standing there with my fist up, nobody knew if i was alive”


Sounds like he has a lisp? (Trump)

“We had cath and releathe…we had tho many things…”

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elon saying things like i dont know why thieves arent rushing here quicker its so easy to do crime in USA and if you try to stop the thief from robbing you, you’ll get arrested!

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elon says wont have a country in 4 years if immigration continues

trump going with “they did a coup on Biden” Elon says they took him out back and shot him basically

60M illegal immigrants lol. The Congo is releasing their convicted murderers from jail and dropping them here to save money.


trump said oil caused all the inflation but elon moved on immediately

Lordy, there’s a tape.

Take their recent golf outing, captured on cell phone video back in July.

"He just quit you know. He’s quitting the race. I got him out of the race. And that means we have Kamala. I think she’s going to be better.


She’s a f*cking bitch. She’s so pathetic.

Can you imagine that guy dealing with Putin and the President of China who’s a fierce person? He’s a fierce man, a very tough guy. They just announced he’s probably quitting.”

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15 minutes that could be explained by the first 3 minutes of scarface

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now its just a bunch of circle jerking over strongman is good I’m very strong!, wouldnt have wars if i was in there cuz they scared

and putin said ‘no way’ and i said ‘way’ lmao

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Access of Evil

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oceans will rise and you’ll have more oceanfront property kekw

gonna build an iron dome over the USA lolol

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There are like 24k people incarcerated in both Congos put together. There are 1.7M incarcerated in the US.


1/8th of an inch!

also, i’ve never heard this lisp before but it’s really pronounced. hopefully he’s having a stroke