Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

The only part of this he would care about is the stadium crowd.

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Fuck Scarramucci. He tried to get on that MAGA train and just failed.

We understood that Orange Man was bigly dangerous even at the time he decided to be one of his errand boys. Better late than never, I guess.


so brave

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“Trump spent some time testing out the “Cacklin’ Kamala” nickname to show her as unserious on account of her laugh, but he recently started trying “Kamabla” – a sign he was not sold on his initial option though it is not clear what the insult means.



Is the way he articulates it like bla bla bla? Car. Mar. Bla. Harris.

All a bit rubbish really.

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Yeah it’s definitely meant to be implying that she’s “blah”, definitely another swing and a miss imo.

I said kamabla out loud and my roomie thought i said kamala. Its just ass.


I just assume it’s racist somehow


God sends imperfect warriors sometimes.

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In before “Peekaboo Kamala”


Got a loud snicker out of me. Trump"s definitely lost his touch.

Surprised he didn’t stick with “Krazy Kamala Krash” for extra dog whistle points

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New schedule is apparently to hold the scheduling conference on Sept 5. I was never really sold on the “minitrial” idea, but I’d be surprised if even that happens before the election.

Andrew Weissmann blames the delay on Garland.

i feel like kooky is a word he’d you, kooky kamala.

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Trump manifesting aircraft trouble

What the hell is he doing in Montana?

Nearby donor meeting with billionaires.

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I think trying to flip a senate seat.