Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Naomi Klein wrote a whole book about her called Doppelgänger. It’s about the fact that they constantly get confused for each other. Highly recommend. She is a great writer and progressive thinker.


Yeah true. Also the book is about so much more than that. That’s just a clever jumping off point

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Stanley is so fricking cute in his mask and hi vis

Another day, another brain rotted shithead I learned about that I wish I never had. Man I hate this timeline.

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if it’s klein, you’re fine. if it’s woof, big oof


Still chuckling that he pivoted toward a “kinder, gentler, inclusive” Trump after the assassination attempt and, predictably, that lasted all of about 48 hours.

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He’s not mimicking disabled people or talking about women “bleeding out of their wherever.” Clearly he’s evolved as a person.

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This is Klein’s thesis in Doppelgangers but I think it is bullshit. Wolf had been losing her mind for quite some time before that. In 2014 she alleged that ISIS beheading videos had been staged by the US government and that the US was dispatching troops to the West Africa Ebola outbreak not to help, but to carry the disease back home to precipitate a crisis in order to establish a military dictatorship. The idea that totalitarianism was incipient in America was a constant feature of Wolf’s writing from The End of America in 2007 onwards.

Nor was her rejection by left-wing academia new. Her 2012 book Vagina: A New Biography was more or less universally derided as complete nonsense.

Given all this, I’m not sure why one would associate her rightward drift with the Outrages incident (in 2019) and not the much more obvious fact of the COVID pandemic. Wolf voted for Biden as late as the 2020 election, her appearances on Tucker Carlson and the Steve Bannon show and so on came later. Given her 13-year obsession with coming government/corporate totalitarianism, she was an obvious candidate to get caught up in all the various COVID conspiracies, and of course social media turbocharged this for her just as it did for so many others. The confluence of female woo-woo magical thinking (of which Vagina: A New Biography is an exemplar) and MAGA conspiricism, driven in part by COVID, is a well-known phenomenon. Wolf was simply one of the more high-profile examples of this.

This is a good example of why I don’t like Klein. She is Gladwell-like in that she comes up with these ubertheses that appeal to her and then tortures the facts until they fit.

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She didn’t come up with the idea. There are hundreds of articles from the time pointing it out.

It also makes up a tiny fraction of her book as she makes most of the claims you make in it.

Trump may have lost Georgia tonight.

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The AI is making him shorter than a random sample of five women (heels count!), can we train it to continue to do this?

Also, did he hire an AI for his tailor, because that is spot on.


Damn you never sleep on the misogyny


It’s missing his signature minotaur stance.


Pete Davidson on Donald Trump on SNL


Donald Trump has always been this way.

Short bit of Trump dumping melania in Georgia

fuckin weird ass creep