Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Come to think of it - doesn’t the need for a civil war every century or so pretty much mean the experiment was a failure? I prefer countries that don’t need to refresh with the blood of patriots and tyrants


Bro, one civil war a century is probably way more stable that what we’d have if we went back to feudalism.

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Tbf, feudal wars sound like a blast compared to something like Antietam or what have you.


He has no idea what to do. Because he is a narcissist and can’t see people as anything but extensions of himself, I don’t think he thought it was possible for a powerful old white man to ever step down and endorse a woman of color.


I wish this were true.


Trump looking like the wax museum version. Like him the person, not the painting.

Apparently Tussaud’s stuck him in golf gear as soon as Biden beat him:

Bit too slim to be realistic. There’s probably loads of wax trumps knocking about though.


He wasn’t aware that was something a person could do


Also he’s standing like a badass. Not an f’ing moron like the real Trump does



Is the Secret Service responsible for protecting foreign dignitaries in the U.S.? If so, not sure I’d be super stoked about visiting right now if I were one.

Someone was gonna have to fall on their sword for this and it’s probably best if it’s the head. Even though lol at anything functional changing except maybe some field manual somewhere gets a sentence added to it and voila they’ve “fixed” the problem.

I’m up for the couples pic if anyone else wants to join me for the discounted rate.


Fucking hell use another typeface why don’t you

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Tbf, feudal wars sound like a blast compared to something like Antietam or what have you.

I’m not so sure.

Imagine being born anytime from 500-1700 CE, living your entire existence as a peasant, and watching every military-age male getting conscripted to fight whenever the local lords feel the need to expand their influence, at the expense of other peasants. For absolutely nothing. And this happens every few years of your (necessarily short) lifetime.

That said, I can’t say that’s a better or worse existence than being at Antietam, or Verdun, or the Somme, or Gallipoli, or Stalingrad.

i think the issue is blasting at citizens before they actually do anything wrong.

if climbing up on a slanted rooftop with a rifle 200 yards away from the president isn’t auto-death, how sure do they have to be?

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Pretty sure. USSS policy was to not fire until shots were taken because an agent almost killed a local law enforcement sniper working a past event.

Pretty much the story of civilization. Commoners get protection from hostile outsiders and greater food security, albeit sometimes at the cost of their sons.


A few conscriptions out of the life of being a farmer probably is a better deal versus those who spent a year or more facing bloody US Civil War battles, along with the deadly diseases and general misery of one’s service.