Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Tenacious D thing a real dick move from Jack Black imo, just throwing your bandmate to the wolves. Gig here also got last-minute cancelled and people ended up out of pocket etc.

It should be pointed out that Ralph Babet is a complete lunatic from a fringe party (basically our Trump party, I’d say, Senator Babet is their only MP) and Sandilands is a shock jock for whom controversy is a meal ticket. The general reaction here has been bemusement.


There were initial reports the secret service said he was injured by a shard of glass. These came from an unnamed source via TMZ and I haven’t seen any corroboration. There’s also a picture of a prompter that might show a damaged corner. People also say his ear would have been torn off by a bullet but I’d like to see a mythbusters on that.

Here’s a pic showing the prompter

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This was tweeted by Oliver Alexander. FYI @suzzer99 @monetary_expert

Right. They do show him crawling forward, though. And all the witness accounts say he was moving forward. So I don’t think there’s any chance he climbed the AC unit on the front of the building. And I don’t see any other AC units that make sense, although it could be hidden somewhere.

Cool, good find. Agreed it looks precarious, but not impossible. There’s definitely something on top of it in the skynews video.

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Seems reasonable to have a different approach to roof safety between elite level snipers and the donut eating keystone cops.

If the guy watched parkpour-videos like Storror besides DemoRanch he wouldn’t have needed a ladder. Those guys would be up there in seconds.

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If the counter snipers behind Trump were the ones that got the kid that’s even more impressive. The had to turn 45 degrees and pick up the target through tree cover it looks like.

Tenacious Done??

So were they just not really selling any tickets?


The decision to end the Tenacious tour seems not unreasonable to me. If your band is up there calling for political violence it’s not hard to see where that might lead.


Which would be true if they were calling for political violence, they weren’t, they made a joke that pissed off some conservatives. Fucking snowflakes can’t take a joke.


It’s just lucky Rage Against The Machine wasn’t touring.


My favorite Rage song is one where they sing Fuck You We Must Support Biden Because That Is The Process And Norms Must Be Respected.


“Dont miss Trump next time” … I see where youre coming from but disagree. Seems clear to me, particularly the use of “next time.”

I’m always confused when people defend stuff like this. There’s nothing defensible in that comment, imo.

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I get similarly confused when the “fuck your feelings” crowd expects me to not fuck their feelings


Elon brought back comedy. What’s the point if you can’t joke about someone shooting a fat racist rapist gameshow host?


Other people’s unreasonable or violent behaviors dont justify responding in kind. At least not in the way I want to engage with the world. … but yeah i agree they shouldnt be surprised


My guess is JB and KG were already tired of each other and this was a pretext to split the band.


We all privately wish Trump got shot, but none of us can say it publicly or attach our names to it because of career repercussions.

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