Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

30 minutes

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You kid but I have often thought how much better it must be to be right wing. To not give a fuck about anyone else and to revel in ignorance has to be so serene.

I honestly am jealous.


Hope his estate gets a refund on his shooting range dues


Yeah, that does seem pretty fucking weird now that I look at it.

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The best thing about Vance is he has absolutely no experience of any kind related to being VP or president. He can’t even claim the “I was a business man” schtick.

His only experience is literally deciding one day to grift the right and being really good at it.


Sounds like an unbeatable end boss for our faltering democracy.




Lol at this being on Fox


“Might be America’s Hilter” is a winning campaign slogan in 2024.


I never thought it was the bullet that hit Trump’s ear, couldn’t it just be one of the others that was fired?

Average Fox Viewer: OK, and what about his bad side?


So close Elise, but not really.

The bad news is that no voter has sincerely cared about “experience” since roughly 1996.


The significance of Smoot’s ear is that it is a built-in error; it recognises that fallibility is ever-­present in human affairs 
 that it is an essential quality of human nature, and is at the root of human creativity.

How’s this for a reason
 He was a troubled kid with mental illness and super easy access to a gun and ammo

It could be another bullet but I think the photographer would have to be wrong about the shutter speed bc the streak is too long to be motion blur. Maybe it was actually 1/2000 s but the guy’s a pro, he should know. Or maybe the streak is some other kind of effect or artifact. :man_shrugging:t4:

Edit: After thinking about it on my walk, just assume the photographer gave the correct shutter speed. Then whatever caused this streak is moving ~700 ft/s. Too slow to be a bullet. So what is it? It could be the shard of glass that actually hit him or maybe a chunk of ear spinning away from its former home.

I watch a lot of Columbo and those aren’t really motives. Maybe he had a fight with his libertarian father, decided to bump off his dad’s hero. Idk but something set him off.

Chances we find out trumps team let it happen? I’m joking