Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Trump’s team is so corrupt that we can probably trust Polymarket on this stuff.

Sir, I meant that as a compliment.


Lol Vance

Every other person that has entered Trump’s orbit is worse off for it. But surely this time it will be different


I guess if you’re the type of person who reads VP selections like tea leaves you might say that Trump needed Pence to convince the religious right. Now that they’re on board, Trump has Vance to appease the NYT dipshit centrist crowd.


Vance is the greatest grifter of all time dude is going to play act his way to president of the United States. You almost have to tip your hat.

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He’s going to be one loud noise away from the presidency, I’d say this is working out well for him.

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It’ll be an interesting battle, JD’s incredible grift strength vs Trump’s ability to torpedo the careers of anyone around him (except himself, of course)


All my lols at everyone involved with this on every level

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Is anyone else having a full on anxiety attack today? No, just me? Cool.


I wouldn’t say “attack”, but I am definitely on edge. Lady at the DMV just yelled at me which didn’t help. My younger son is on try #4 to pass the permit test. I’m not even here for me!

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I’m having 73% of an anxiety attack. But it’s an all day thing, which is fun.

I can’t fucking do 4 more years of chaos. Every. Single. Day.


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The time for anxiety was 3 weeks ago, all thats left now is the cope.

But TBH its much more fun to not be in power anyways. And we’re going to have a lot of fun in our future!

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As much as possible I need to accept the way things are while still working toward the way I want things to be. It’s a delicate balance.


Pretty much.

That movie was so bad.

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Yeah. Work has been impossible today after I saw the charges dropped.


Pretty much this. I’m just angry right now. Literally hate the Democratic leadership more than Trump at the moment which is saying something.


Lol there’s now a video of like a dozen or more people pointing out the shooter two minutes before he fired. There are multiple cops walking right under the building.

I mean I’m fine with Vance because he has all the charisma of meatball Ron, though I doubt that hurts Trump’s candidacy.