Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

That’s future Chief Justice Cannon to you.

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The way to have a discussion like this is to start at the most basic principles and build up from there. Such as

  • When is political violence justified?
  • Does ‘stochastic terrorism’ exist?
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Wow, uniparty strikes again

…is there also algebraic terrorism? :transmet_smiley:

The same people that saying that Biden bears some responsibility for the attempt on Trump would have (last week) said that any idea or concept that a GOP elected or right wing podcaster bears some responsibility for the El Paso Walmart shooting is some kind of woke soy boy anti free speech nonsense.


Guys, don’t worry. If Trump is re-elected he will be impeached and convicted on his first day in office for all the crimes he has done.



This is for sure going to happen and republicans are going to pretend it’s totally normal and get mad at any democrat who suggests there is anything unethical going on.

Also, at this point “unconstitutional” just means something the right doesn’t like.

I have my very own containment thread:

GOP insanity spinoff: UP interviews lagtight - Politics & News - Unstuck Politics Forum

Please ask questions about me there if you want.

Y’all have a grateful day!

So much this.

It’s what I’ve learned from my years living abroad. America has a sick culture of worshipping firearms and the right to carry them. Most of Europe just views guns as a tool no different than a hammer. The right tool for the right job, not something to glorify and post epic YouTube videos about.

The Czech Republic has probably the loosest gun control laws in the EU and has a fraction of the gun deaths of America.

Future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Aileen Cannon!

By the way, Trump didn’t negotiate the Afghanistan troop withdrawal because he is an anti-war peacenik (and it’s not like he actually worked on it himself). He did it…

a) to make himself look good - “look at me! I brought our troops home!”
b) because of his “America First” bullshit

I’m not judging whether withdrawing troops was a good or bad idea. It’s just that his motives were selfish, as they always are.

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Now do the “No longer speaking to one or more of their adult children” cohort.


ga legislature will pass and gagov will sign a new law just for this one time


If marriage makes you more Trumpy and then divorce makes you even more Trumpy, maybe you’re just looking at older people being more Trumpy. The only irregularity I guess is divorce makes women a little less Trumpy - but not much. Maybe what we’re looking at is people with more money being more Trumpy.

eta: I edited this to add the last two sentences - before seeing Koss’ post, but he surely posted his post before seeing the edit.

Except divorced women are less trumpy. And we already have age to trumpy charts that show it’s not quite as straightforward as older = trumpier even though that correlation does exist.

I’d like to see reported happiness vs Trumpiness corrected for age and money.


Maybe the women are divorcing them because they like Trump?


My guess is that it’s a victim complex plus anger towards women among divorced men and Trump is right up that alley.