Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

I’m up to a 1% chance the call was coming from inside the house. The dude was at the #1 most likely spot for someone to try this.

You seem to have forgotten that one of the first acts of Joe Biden’s presidency was to bring soldiers home from Afghanistan, and we haven’t had any significant military engagements abroad since then. If you’re anti-perpetual war, you should have a strong preference.

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Trump did that

This is one of the most confusing pieces of rhetoric …

My understanding – and I’m asking everyone t0 correct me – the exit from Afghanistan was decided by Trump and executed by Biden, and then Trump called it the worst thing ever.

Is that in the ballpark?

Maybe Biden could have reversed the decision, i dunno. He did not though.

Also, that post attempt photo is every photojournalist’s dream. It’s a very good picture. Sadly. … has everything in it. Couldn’t stage a much better image.

Trump also says biden is the worst ever on the border, despite biden going to court to fight and win to continue building the wall Trump planned, even in areas that were environmentally protected before the court reversal

Seems like A) you can’t trust what Trump says, and B) there’s a pattern of the biden administration executing unprecedented giant projects that Trump planned

Another one is the biden admin continuing the Trump policy of using the DEA to raid state-legal weed distribution facilities

Nah, it was Biden. Trump promised to do it, but he’s a liar in general and certainly wouldn’t have allowed anything that made him look as bad as the evacuation of Kabul.

Your outline is correct. In 2020, Trump negotiated a deal w/ the Taliban where he agreed to start reducing the number of troops and set a timeline for complete withdrawal by May 2021. We went from 13,000 in early 2020 to 2,500 when Trump left office.

The Taliban did violate some of the terms of the agreement, so, arguably Biden could have used that to justify going back on the deal and sending in more troops. That would have been risky both domestically and in terms of inducing more violence from the Taliban. Ultimately, he did delay the timeline for full withdrawal by a few months. And when the final exit happened, it was pretty chaotic so there is some room to criticize the execution even if you agree that leaving was the right decision.


Imagine someone who is smart using post from strangers on an obscure political website to gauge whether their views are correct or not.

This is a guy who just found out exercise is good for you.

If only he listened or read stuff about cool new things in the world.

Four more years of a Trump administration normalizing ever more dehumanizing rhetoric and policy positions and laying the foundation for a more competent Dem administration to actually accomplish the goals seems like a bad idea.

I think the premise has a lot of truth to it as the last eight years have panned out but I’d dispute the inevitability of it going forward.

Not that HRC would’ve been everything we all would’ve hoped to see in a president, but the 2016 election came down to accidents of geography, the Comey stuff and everything else. The first Trump administration wasn’t an inevitability.

On September 6, 2017, in Mandan, North Dakota, Gregory Lee Leingang stole a forklift from an oil refinery and attempted to drive it toward the presidential motorcade while Trump was visiting to rally public support. After the forklift became jammed within the refinery, he fled on foot and was arrested by the pursuing police. While interviewed in detention, Leingang admitted his intent to murder the president by flipping the presidential limousine with the stolen forklift, to the surprise of authorities, who suspected he was merely thieving the vehicle for personal use.

Reading posts like yours don’t make me feel smart, they make me fear for humanity, because we are no more intelligent than people who couldn’t figure out for 100,000 years that shit grows if planted in the ground. Now we just fight about whether BJP or Muslim party is the truth, or how “the elite” controls “us” through “the media” because they are “corrupt.” herp derp.

What are you even talking about?

Again, you just found out exercise is good for you.

Maybe start listening to podcast.

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Here’s an IQ test everyone could pass, maybe don’t fill the thread bickering with people you expressly think are not smart enough for you to care what they think.

You are all very smart.


I’m glad you think we are all smart

You see, here I could engage in a discussion about whether my post actually said that, but you know what? I’m instead going to edit it so it does.


I just didn’t think you would fill the thread bickering with people.

You are right though, the better explanation is you failed your own self administered IQ test (although I don’t think you understand what IQ measures)

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It s starting to make sense now. The kid was bullied relentlessly. Likely to the point of serious emotional scarring. So he went after Trump not because Trump was a bully himself but because he went after the person the bullies love so much. He wanted to hurt the bullies so he went after their idol. There was absolutely nothing political about this. This was the revenge of a very damaged kid.

Unfortunately that story will never be told. Instead there will be talk about toning down the rhetoric blah blah blah. But this assentation attempt is Trump’s own doing, Being the bully that he is and empowering other bullies has made for an ever increasing toxic culture in this country. I don’t condone violence but watching Trump grab his ear dive to the ground then get covered by the SS agents then getting up all discombobulated and scared, I never felt like someone got what they deserved more in my life. Maybe Karma is real. Let it be a warning to the bullied, sometimes the bullies fight back, even if it mean dying!


Maybe you can’t tell, but I’m not bickering with people so much as calling out shitty posters on this site with incoherent political views of the type that gave us a world where Trump was elected president. I’m not the only one on this site who recognizes bad posters with political views divorced from reality.