Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

What % of working class Americans do you think own stocks or are involved in the market in any way?

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It’s around 60%


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Today I learned that there are high school rifle clubs.


Do they really think the stonks are down? I feel like it’s more like they close their eyes and trust the 401k without checking it because the swongs affect them emotionally too much. What they think is “down” (right or wrong) is their purchasing power at the grocery store and the, er, housing store

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High school rifle clubs exist and they’re allowed to bully the kids who show up without talent


I mean Switzerland probably has similar clubs

It’s all about culture surrounding the firearms

Imagine this kid gets bullied out of the cool gun club in his sad little town’s high school, and his revenge arc is going on to tragically miss his shot, get killed, and have the entire world hate his ass forever


History professor? College?

this is still fucking with me. how close it was to be being waaay different.

read someone talking about how f’ed the repub convention woulda been this week. think about that, 1 full day to try to get your shit together enough to agree on someone that more than half of your base would vote for, his kids giving speeches (now that i think about it, would jr. get the nom?),desantis/haley/rubio etc. all angling… it would have been the biggest shit show of modern times.

i couldn’t get my gf to understand how the world would change if his head exploded on live tv from a million different angles… crazy


Yeah I really do not like seeing the photo with the bullet whizzing by his head.

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A few inches separated the world today from being completely fucking different than it is.

Its a sobering thought. Its what I’ve been stuck on the last 24 hours. How would things have been different? Better, worse? We will never know and its eating me.


Yeah I want Trump to have a massive heart attack. Assassination could easily end up worse in the near or mid-term.


More biographical detail on Crooks from Philadelphia Inquirer.

The ones who would do the violence would assume he was assassinated regardless.

I think there’s probably a lower violence EV even thought it’s still significant with natural causes


The worst part is the hypocrisy