Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Sorry bro talk to John Roberts


Babylon Bee slays it again.


He dove on his family in the .75 seconds that the shooter’s three shots rang out?


The best of us tweet at catturd and openly fantasize about running over cyclists


Sydney Sweeney has

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This was the 4th attempt on Trump.

Dunno how old you are but probably over 20 attempts in your lifetime. 25 attempts in mine.

Here is the Wapo version of the cop on roof story. Doesn’t mention ladder. Cop just levitated up to the roof edge I guess.

By Isaac Stanley-Becker

Investigative reporter on the national staff

Just before the gunman opened fire, he faced a municipal police officer who wasn’t able to neutralize him, Butler County Sheriff Michael T. Slupe said in an interview Sunday with The Washington Post.

Slupe said an officer from Butler Township hoisted himself just high enough to peer onto the roof of the building adjacent to the rally, and the gunman turned around and aimed at him. Because the officer was gripping the roof’s edge, Slupe said, he didn’t have a gun in his hand and dropped back down to the ground.

“He lets go because he doesn’t want to get killed,” Slupe said.

That’s when the gunman began firing onto the fairgrounds, the sheriff said.

Slupe said the municipal officer had gone to examine the roof based on a law enforcement request to try to identify a suspicious individual seen near the rally. He said he did not know if that request came from a federal, state or local agency.

“So police responded to try to find the guy, searched the area, but couldn’t find him, so said, ‘Well, let’s try the roof.’”

I’m no longer sure this is real life. There is a PokĂ©mon called Gumshoos that looks like this. Check out its ear.


This was my first thought. At first I was like “yeah based on stats we are overdue for a president to take a bullet this is nothing new”. But he’s not even president and we’ve had other instances of political violence.

Man I have no idea if this is just that once in a generation event that just kind of happens or an escalation of a more serious underlying problem. Some mix of both I guess.

But seriously how does SS not pull him off stage when people were screaming about a gunman for minutes before this. They seem to be getting complacent.

When Trump axes the secret service and has Erik Prince install his own paramilitary in their place at least they won’t have to change their initials.


I imagine the SS held poor view of the intelligence of the locals in this area, maybe especially the locals attending a trump rally here. They probably heard people shouting, “there’s a man with a gun on a roof!!” And thought “No shit. That’s us. We got guys on all kinds of roofs and we all got big guns. Fucking idiots. Fucking hate these morons,”


Bro’s first mistake was not wearing a suit, sunglasses and an earpiece


Dude probably never played any of the Hitman games before this. Zero training.


The non-Trump posts from his account are written by his staffers I assume. How long can that go on for? I’m waiting for him to get control to go back to posting his deranged crazy shit about it. They can’t muzzle him forever.


Still some disagreement about this. I don’t remember why but I have that account blocked.


Whenever somebody writes about the SS here I first wonder which organisation they have in mind. The SS or the Secret Service.




I haven’t read a ton on this yet, there’s one pretty small detail bothering me. Has any knowledgeable, official source besides Trump himself confirmed that it was a bullet that hit his ear and not some fragment of something else hit by a bullet?

EDIT: Like I see stuff like this in CNN’s top site headline story

Trump, who says he was shot in the ear, was rushed off stage to safety Saturday night with blood on his face.