Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

btw does nobody find it crazy that anyone can find out about anybody in the US how they usually vote? I know people might register strategically in deep red or blue states, but still…


lol in German tv there was just a telephone caller in a discussion round who said if someone killed Hitler before he became chancellor the world might have been a better place. Next caller said the attempt was the result of Trump’s own gun policy. You guys would love this! :transmet_smiley:


This is why Democrats are at least half the problem in America. Biden is truly a fucking idiot and genuinely awful human being.

And yet not a single Democrat is making these obvious claims. Gutless co-conspirators the lot.

The universe has been dropping hints that the Secret Service is an absolute clown show for years and years.


It’s kind of remarkable that you’ve spent so much time thinking about American politics without having developed any grasp whatsoever of how things would play in American politics.

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Biden dropping out today will steal the headlines from Trump, probably an ideal time.


It’s pretty remarkable you can be illiterate and incapable of understanding nuisance in a post. So I guess we are equally stupid.

no he’s gotta wait at least a week imo

last night i remembered so am i lol. i registered in 2020 to vote for trump in the primaries bc he could never beat hillary :astonished:

now, i’m leaving it. that way if i ever am on the news and have thousands of reporters digging into me, i got a little misdirection.



Y’all should relax a bit with a nice DemolitionRanch video.! :slight_smile:

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True but it’s not like Elon’s suggested fix hasn’t been tried.

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And so the end begins……


A voter-registration record showed that Mr. Crooks was registered as a Republican, though federal campaign-finance records show he donated $15 to the Progressive Turnout Project, a liberal voter turnout group, through the Democratic donation platform ActBlue in January 2021.

you’re right.

7 years a 𝚜̶𝚕̶𝚊̶𝚟̶𝚎̶ republican

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heard that this morning too, definitely have never donated to a political campaign. never crossed my mind they keep track of that though.

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Even NYTimes has him looking heroic

This is my neighbor’s copy. The copy at the store didn’t have this story (maybe printed too early).

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