Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

i think it’s just going to be that neo nazi “you made me do this meme” on steroids. i think the “respectable” people that were hiding or not pushing the fact that they are Trumpers now have their “you made me do this” moment to come out in full support like our boy El0n. we’ll see what kind of effect that has on the masses. those people were voting him anyway already though.

“yeah he’s mean and his policies may be harsh, but i CANNOT accept and cower to political violence”

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“Only Trump could abolish the 2nd Amendment.”



Anyone blaming it on video games yet?

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That was more of a boomer thing. I think we’re past that one now.


It could go down like that. That one photo of him is pretty epic though and will provide an amazing way for the campaign to call back to this moment. Dropping that on people again at the last moment seems like a good GOTV strategy.

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ABC keeps saying the range was 200-300 yards which is significantly more than other estimates but still hard to believe someone could have got in that position on a roof, had secret service counter-snipers seemingly looking right at him, and managed to get off maybe 8 shots. Maybe the ss shooters weren’t sure if this guy was local law enforcement or something but inside job has to figure in some conspiracy theories.

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I think the snipers were looking at a different spot, possibly all the people who were making a commotion about the guy on the roof. In the video I posted, you can see them change their aim after the first shots.

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You’d think there might be some glass here if a teleprompter was hit.

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President Biden spoke to former President Donald Trump and is returning to Washington from Rehoboth Beach, Del., the White House said. Biden is also expected to receive an updated briefing from homeland security and law enforcement officials Sunday morning.

Biden also spoke to Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and Butler, Pa., Mayor Bob Dandoy. He and Vice President Kamala Harris received an updated briefing after Biden’s remarks Saturday.

Has Jodie Foster released a statement yet?

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If it’s somehow a right wing libertarian nut, this improves things somewhat

Holy fucking shit wtf

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I heard a boom in my neighborhood. I think one of the shooter’s errant bullets hit a transformer and took out my street’s internet.

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Appears to be fake. I searched for it and couldn’t find anything.