Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

There were some bozos plotting to kill Obama that got arrested before they could try.

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I am so fucking mad at biden and his team, but for perspective I just tried to imagine how I would feel right now if it had been biden who just survived this assassination attempt, with the fist, the blood, the whole thing, and I found that hypothetical me might have felt the first surge of righteous patriotism that Iā€™ve felt in like decades, so yeah the moral is that in the short term anyway weā€™re pretty fucked


oh yeah. trump is set to have his biggest fundraising period ever. heā€™s probably going to give rallies ever day if he can. they will worship him.

all the people that were hiding the fact that they were trump supporters are now fully galvanized to come out in ā€œfull endorsementsā€ because of political violence or whatever.

this is the absolute perfect storm, the only saving grace is that itā€™s still july and this didnt happen in late september or something.

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Story number 4 on fox. Lolololololololololol


fuuuuck :pensive: thatā€™s exactly it. fuuuck

on another note, somebody should hit him with, ā€œyou ainā€™t tough. teddy roosevelt actually GOT shot and HE finished his speech!ā€

If itā€™s any consolation he was already going to stomp Biden, so itā€™s really just a bit stomper now.

I really donā€™t think that would be my reaction

Trump is a coward so he probably wonā€™t do any more outdoor rallies

He is just going to be in some pope mobile bullshit

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Anyone got a 20 on NotBruceZ


No way

ā€œim thankful vice president trump is safeā€


Woke liberals hate guns so at least we know the shooter must be one of their own.

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You suspect him? If he did it I look forward to meeting yā€™all in Guantanamo Bay! :transmet_smiley:

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Of course

Media interviewing nazi rally attendees about the trauma of seeing a shooting.
