Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

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If anyone else was hit it seems like we’d hear about it by now.

I miss the old Twitter. There’d be video of people at the event. You’d be getting everything from everyone.

Looking at the video I think it did more than graze his ear. He seems to collapse before Secret Service gets there.

Also seems unsteady on his feet after the agents help him up.

like i dont think it’s a false flag or anything by nature.

but the secret service response is so fucking bad that it seems like a skit. how do they not get him off the stage and let him stand there in full fucking view fist bumping. it’s hilariously bad.

it looks like the tip of his ear explodes into mist right before he flinches and grabs it

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He didn’t collapse. He ducked.

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I was thinking that there’s a nonzero chance he also took some sort of body shot but hopped up and appeared unhurt due to all the adrenaline.

This guy on msnbc acting like he saw puffs of smoke during the time


Four? Oh sweet summer child…


100% this

At least it doesn’t matter now how awful Biden is.


you can hear them say “shooters down” right before they lift Trump back up, but theres no way they could know there was only one shooter at that point. lotta people getting fired over this.

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Did I hear “Shooter’s down”?

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yes definitely heard “shooters down”, based on the timing guessing 3 shots fired at trump and 4 at the shooter. the first 3 shots were spaced out almost a second apart, the next 4 were successive one right after the other.

Someone getting dragged off here. Unclear if shooter or someone in the crowd shot.

Oh dear God. It’s going to be an illegal immigrant isn’t it?