Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Fraud is just Freedom when white conservatives do it.


You mean when capitalists do it. They don’t have to be white or meet your definition of conservative


He’s rambling about that other time he rambled.

So I tell that story. And the fake news they go, he told this crazy story with electric. It’s actually not crazy. It’s sort of a smart story, right? Sort of like, you know, it’s like the snake, it’s a smart when you, you figure what you’re leaving in, right? You’re bringing it in the, you know, the snake, right? The snake and the snake. I tell that and they do the same thing

We got us a latter-day Jim Morrison over here.


“I’m not rambling, you’re rambling…”


Morrison while crazy, was a superb word smith

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I was thinking of Crawling King Snake and the lyrics in The End: Ride the snake / He’s old and his skin is cold.

Opinions vary on Morrison. I liked the Doors. If I hear Riders on the Storm, I think of the company of Rangers catching up with Aragorn in Rohan because I happened to be reading that chapter when it came on the radio once and it seemed perfect.

My dad turned me on to The Doors. He didn’t play the macabre stuff, but songs like Hello I love you, PeaceFrog, etc. Then I read No One Here Gets Out Alive and I’ve been hooked ever since lol

But I’m weird. I like a lot of the old bands. Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, CCR…

But my point was that Morrison was a well read genius while Trump is an uneducated moron. No comparison imo

No One Here Gets Out Alive

I used to have a copy of that. I guess I donated it at some point. I still remember these lines from Morrison’s lawyer:

There once was a group called The Doors / Who sang in dissent of the mores / To youth they protested / As witnesses attested / While the leader was dropping his drawers

I used to listen to the radio station in Phoenix that called itself The Storm. They played Riders a lot, for obvious reasons.

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I, for one, would like to hear more sinking boat/shark stories. The more, the better, before we all get electrocuted.


I believe the shark got electrocuted in one of the Jaws movies?

Spoilers please


OK, it was Jaws 2

fucking spoliers man

Jaws 2

Holy crap. Flipping channels. Found last few mins of Jaws 2 on Indieplex.

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Were people asking for spoilers to be posted instead of asking for spoiler text to be used?

Was just about to watch it

Some Trumper at my poker table is going off with anti-Biden rants because I was sharing this picture, which even guys who I think are voting for Trump though was funny. I was showing them the right panel and having them guess what it was.


Tell him “lighten up, Francis”.