Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

When he says “third world” he just means “a country full of poor people that are not white”.


Aren’t corporations donating more to Biden by a wide margin?

Funny I don’t remember seeing the Donald and Ivanka clip at the end of this before. They’re talking about sexual predators. Someone (not Ivanka) says “you are one”. Everybody laughs. Ha ha.

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4 days late but this made my day jfc lmao


That’s howard stern saying “you know about sexual predators and things like that” and robin quivers interjects with, “you are one!”

Trump laughing and saying “it’s true” makes it seem too unreal but it’s real


It is very much on brand for the West’s runaway toxic masculinity culture train for those “sigma male” losers to think that “sexual predator” is a compliment, not an accusation.

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I guess it’s also not really clear just from the clip whether Quivers is referencing Trump (I think so from Trump’s reaction, and Ivanka’s) or Stern.

Robin is 100% saying trump is a sexual predator in that clip


Has anyone ever accused Stern of being a predator?

Is she calling him a sexual predator or a sexual predator? Big difference imo.

I don’t know. Bringing people on his show to humiliate them is in a sense predatory. By common standards maybe he’s a marginally socially acceptable asshole, not a true predator.

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Oh, so it’s a sexual Predator! I didn’t even consider that possibility.

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nah howard’s a good guy. he supports isreal but is otherwise super woke now

Clickbait from CNN

Instead of a minimal-security prison camp, where many nonviolent offenders serve their time, Bannon – now a right-wing podcaster with a following of loyal Trump supporters – is set to report next month to the low-security federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut, one of the sources told CNN.

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The top replies on these are always from like blue-check Maximus Aurelius with 5,300 followers: “Oh yeah we really believe you this time. What about the Trump/Russia collusion hoax? Where’s the Steele Dossier? Weren’t you also one of the journalists who told us Hunter Biden’s laptop wasn’t real?”

Right-wing bots are so good and staying on message and never wavering.

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Trump wedding gift to Charlie sheen