Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hawk Loomah

Pinny Trump -125

We are at war for our very existence as white Christians. We canā€™t be picky and choosy about the warriors God sends to save us.

It still boggles my mind how quickly evangelicals judo-flipped from judging everyone for the tiniest moral failings, to literally not caring about any of Trumpā€™s crimes and scandals.

Like I thought it would at least take some hand-wringing and cognitive dissonance. Nope. Instantaneous conversion.

Heā€™s not though. Itā€™s over.

Remember that feeling we all felt watching the corpse of Biden on the debate stage.

Itā€™s going to be the opposite when trump is facing a functioning human.

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They are used to it with their preachers.

Take out the vig and itā€™s +/-115. Thatā€™s 53.5% chance of Trump winning. Would I rather him be +800, of course, but thatā€™s not a ā€œsignificantā€ betting favorite. And I for one feel +115 has bigly value.


Well, that and a murder and serious injuries.



Honestly? Still kinda feel hurt discovering what a huge POS Jack Black is.


Well yeah. My aunts would walk off a cliff if their pastor told them to. Itā€™s the preachers effortlessly insta-flipping to support a philandering racist asshole that surprised me. I did not know they had that in their game. I do now.

Has Trump called the Camperatore family yet?



ā€œItā€™s going to be announced fairly soon. But weā€™ll be debating her. I would like to see it on Fox, by the way,ā€ the former president added.

Trump indicated that other networks, such as NBC and CBS, have also been lobbying to host the event.

ā€œI want to debate her. I think itā€™s important for the country that we debate,ā€ the GOP nominee said. ā€œNow where it is, Iā€™m all for Fox. I think Fox would do a really good job. But two people have to agree.ā€

Didnā€™t take him long to blink

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Caught some of Vanceā€™s remarks in front of what seems like a very small crowd. I wouldnā€™t exactly call him an orator.

Was it this one?


No, heā€™s talking right now in Michigan, whining about how Kamala is hiding in a basement or behind a teleprompter while heā€™s out there answering the tough questions.

Yeah, just watched him for a bit. Not great, but eloquent enough. Banging on about immigration and crime. Run of the mill stuff.

Oh damn heā€™s in Michigan? Where? I need to see this.

Hahaha just kidding Iā€™d rather chop my own dick off