Community rule vote: Moderators and moderation logs

It’s not a terrible system if Wookie is doing an okay job and people are fine with him staying on.


All of this would have been avoided if mods rotated in the first place. A vote of confidence every six months is plain dumb for what should be a friendly little place to chat that people tried to run collectively. Modding is just not that important that it needs to be an elected office and the elections are obviously and were foreseeably divisive.


And now it’s too late anyway, it’s all hopelessly unfriendly and that’s irreversible.

Neither of these things is at all obvious to me.

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That’s the rub.

We are being asked to jettison our current mods and our current procedure of voting for mod re-election every 6 months largely because a minority of posters feel (rightly or wrongly) that one of the current mods is “biased” against them.

Sounds like a bad trade to me.

eta: Tacking on a short reply to the posts just above this one. The current system of voting for mods, mod terms, etc., emanated from a community-based voting procedure. People can complain about it all they want, but imho those complaints should not carry much weight after the community has spoken.

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Fact check: mostly true.

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I disagree with this. Given the love that so many people have for this community and the effort that many more are putting in, i think its fixable.

Just needs time and effort and the ability to let more stuff slide as we recover.


Many of the yes voters would not think this is a fair characterisation of their views.

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This is a myth that is often repeated. We just added three mods with hardly even asking around. There are plenty of people willing to fill the tank with gas if/when they are asked.

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I suggest giving us a month to see if we all stick around


I dunno things have seemed pretty friendly and benign the last week or so.


maybe all that was needed was running off a few dozen troublemakers, who knew.


I have consistently advocated for mod rotations innumerable times both back on Exiled and here on UP. Never, not once, did the idea gain any serious traction, for a variety of good and valid reasons.

Now the idea is trotted out again just as our current mods are coming up for re-election. Nobody should be fooled by what is going on here. C’mon.


I feel like these can’t both be true.

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Sure. For some its about wookie. But theres been dozens of good faith, thoughtful posts from respected posters here saying why they voted yes, including many that would vote yes for wookie as mod.

Its an election. You will have a variety of views on both sides. Many of the yes voters tell you its not about wookie. You should believe some of them.

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And thinking wookie is a bad mod and thinking that moderation rotation is a good idea isn’t in any way mutually exclusive, so what’s the point of this tangent?

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I am replying to All-InFlynn’s long post above where he advocated for people to Vote Yes on Rule 2.

This is essentially an RFC thread where all views are welcome (even if some posters view such posts as “tangents”).

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This is a false dichotomy. Just because someone’s terrible posting doesn’t rise to the level of a permaban (which is a severe sanction) doesn’t mean they are being alienated by a moderator.

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And I was pointing out that just because someone thinks wookie is a bad mod doesn’t in any way conflict with supporting in good faith the concept of mod rotation. Presumably this is also a view that is welcome?

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You stipulated in your post that they had been alienated:

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