Community rule vote: Moderators and moderation logs

I’ve been saying this!

Nah. AC mods would be “i built this. My rules or fuck off” from someone who inherits the forum from his granddad who owned slaves.

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I set out my case in #121.

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AnCaps would auction modding.


Wouldn’t be any mods in an ACist forum, it would be like Unchained. And just as horrible as PU was.

BTW this is not a srs post, just a bad pun on some AC jargon

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I don’t know if you mean it this way, but it’s very insulting. The thing about PU was racism, right? Are you suggesting anyone on this site is holding back abhorrent takes because of the mods? Are you suggesting those against bans are waiting to spew racism?

There was plenty of rancor in regular Pol.


No, but it doesn’t take long before terrible people migrate in. Unmoderated spaces on the internet are magnets for racist idiots. Remember that most of the worst PU garbage posters flocked in from POG and SMP. Actually I think some of them might still be lurking here.

No one has migrated here in two years except my children. It’s not a thing to worry about.


There’s more than one micro offspring here?

This, message boards are deader than disco. That’s just not how people post anymore.


and Mat.

David was here first. It’s all people’s kids.


Yes. Bro is my 21yo who has a few political posts, notably about the events in Bolivia iirc.

Nano is my 19yo who plays walrus and I think posts about food.


They probably feel sorry for their old folks struggling with posting on old technology.


So, here’s how I psychoanalyze Woolie’s modding.

I think someone like him views the COVID thread as this forum’s greatest accomplishment. He wants more threads to be like that thread at its best, as a resource for information. Wookie is biased against posters who he thinks ruins that thread, which is doubly meaningful to him because of his educational background.

At the same time, his long experience as a twoplustwo mod has probably led him to be even more disdainful of conspiracy theorists.

He perceives certain posters–and let’s be honest, I mean churchill–to be a nexus of bad posting in the COVID thread plus conspiracy theories. He’s going to oppose anyone who he thinks want to enable such posters. He’s prickly towards those posters and their allies and disinclined to take the most charitable view of their actions. He wants to mod the entire forum in the same way that he wants the COVID thread to be modded.

Maybe I’m wrong about Wookie, but I think this explains his behavior well. I don’t agree with his moderation philosophy although I understand it, but I also think the people who want him removed as a mod are working off of a flawed understanding of his motivations.

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If that’s true then he’s got another thing badly wrong, as the current bet between churchill and Wichita shows.

I want a community that is diverse enough to be open to people who wouldn’t be good mods.

You might not be able to quote a post in a closed thread easily, but the timestamp has the link to the post.

Every issue has been conflated and lines have been drawn. I don’t think mod rotation solves anything if Wookie gets replaced by someone who thinks Wookie was right.

I don’t really care about the motivations of mods. As I’ve explained, my analysis of the rival modding systems is independent of those motivations and holds true (if I’m correct, which ldo I think I am) regardless of them.

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