Community rule vote: Moderators and moderation logs

O ye of little faith

So I logged into this place for the first time in a while (longer than I realised!), saw the ā€œvote now on moderation stuffā€ banner and read the proposals then skimmed a few replies. Seems pretty reasonable, I thought. I like the idea of rotating mods as itā€™s consistent with the co-op style ownership that was one of the goals when this community left 2+2. So I voted yes to both.

Scrolled further down the replies in the hope of catching up with the current mood. Got the uncomfortable impression that this whole thing has been contrived as a way of getting rid of an existing mod (Wookiee) who was great on 2+2, so now Iā€™m a little embarrassed for voting so hastily on a topic I hadnā€™t researched. So now Iā€™ll go catch up with a few monster threads and try to get a feel for the place and see how my fond memories hold up. Iā€™ll be pretty disappointed if it turns out this place has gone the way of 2+2 and become overrun with aggro Trump/Brexit nutters who demand the heads of any mods who get in the way of their incessant nastiness. Hereā€™s hoping thatā€™s not the case!

So if anyoneā€™s keeping score, put me down for ā€œvoted yes on blind principle, but a big fan of the moderation of this place as I remember it, which admittedly may now turn out to be a bad position.ā€

Good chance Iā€™ve completely misunderstood the vibe of this thread. Iā€™ll go lurk a bit and catch up.


Youā€™ve hit the thread pretty much on the nose (other then the trump/Brexit part). You can change your vote. A yes vote is absolutely a vote to get rid of the current mods because a certain group of posters couldnā€™t get rid of those mods in a straight up or down vote and really really hate Wookie.

Considering itā€™s getting 66 percent yes right now, thatā€™s quite a large ā€œcertain groupā€ of posters that hate Wookie.

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I mean, you captains did a genius job of making it look like an innocuous good government type of thing that most donā€™t realize is just the latest attempt in your never-ending vengeance crusade against the current mods.

Thatā€™s a pretty serious personal attack against meb, the originator of this effort.


Weird spot to be in, calling the people youā€™d like to change their votes stupid like youā€™re doing here.

In case anybody is reading this thread only, Iā€™ll again explain my No vote:

And yes, you can change your vote until the poll closes.


Not stupid, ignorant. And being ignorant of forum drama is, if not commendable, at least understandable.

No offense taken on my part. As has been noted, I have my own misgivings about it. Whether it passes or not. I hope people move forward with a spirit of trying to improve the community here.


Discussion of rotating mods goes back to July/Aug 2019 on exiled and is not about Wookie, not for me anyway. Donā€™t let it be about Wookie (or the ā€œcaptainsā€) for you.


Too bad any good faith arguments about it have been usurped by the ridiculous vice principalā€™s tantrums and subsequent withdrawal from the field. But if you think you can build a community by preventing volunteers from helping you are probably also amongst the people who think you can reduce garbage by eliminating waste baskets.

I donā€™t understand your point. My entire reason for proposing rotating mods was to increase community involvement. I always did and do prefer no moderation, but did not consider that politically feasible.

But as far as your analogy goes:


Of course you donā€™t. The VPs have an amazing talent of not understanding points that portray them in a bad light.

People who donā€™t have waste baskets at their desks at the office donā€™t generate less trash, they take more time walking it to the closest trash bin.

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I donā€™t know what you mean by ā€œVPā€ and Iā€™m at a complete loss about how what you said could even possibly put me in a bad light. I think itā€™s amazingly clear what Iā€™ve been advocating for and why since Iā€™ve been 100% consistent about and modeled the behavior myself for two years.


So you would describe, for example, my advocacy of a mod-rotation system as a never-ending vengeance crusade against the current mods - does that seem accurate to you? If so, what do you believe Iā€™m trying to avenge?

It was different on 2p2. It was different because the ultimate reason for that board to exist was and is to serve as a promotional tool for Two Plus Two LLC, to act as an enhancer of brand awareness, engagement and goodwill etc. Underneath everything was an ultimate, overriding concern: the profit margins of Two Plus Two LLC.

It made sense, then, for there to be strict enforcement of fairly narrow rules, and for that enforcement to be carried out only by people strictly vetted by 2+2 or by people trusted by 2+2 to do such vetting. It couldnā€™t be left to the community, because that posed a risk. 2+2 wasnā€™t and isnā€™t in the business of providing message boards. Itā€™s in the business of selling poker strategy guides etc. Come and chat about politics and have a little fun, letā€™s say. As long as you donā€™t threaten 2+2ā€™s bottom line.

This place, however, is in the business of providing message boards. This place only exists because we wanted a place to chat about politics and have a little fun. We made it, we paid for it. It exists not to serve some other, unrelated purpose, but simply to exist. That being the case, Iā€™m not at all sure why you would expect the modding arrangements to be the same. The same concerns donā€™t apply. And if Iā€™m not sure why youā€™d expect that, Iā€™m frankly baffled that youā€™d want it - or expect and anticipate that everybody else should. Come chat about politics and have a little fun, as long as MrWookie and some of his chums say itā€™s OK?

And Iā€™ve made the point elsewhere, in earlier discussions, that bias is inevitable. Habits creep in. Previous decisions inform current ones. In a community this size, that will inevitably lead to rancour - rancour that will, given enough repetition, spill over into reflexive, habitual hostility. I never pitched mod rotation as a cure for all ills, just for the specific ills being discussed - constant allegations of moderator bias, bitter dissent over moderator decisions, you know yourself. Iā€™ve never seen a rebuttal to those points that exceeded simple personal incredulity.

Maybe jman is right? Maybe Iā€™m just this evil genius and Iā€™ve somehow (with help from other, similarly malicious prodigies) concocted a series of entirely disingenuous arguments which, as things stand, have us on course to partially adopt our recommendations. You think? Iā€™d argue that both my general posting history and Occamā€™s razor suggest otherwise.


What weā€™ve seen is that new mods didnā€™t cure this, and that former mods are still part of the rancor. So why is the singular focus on the mods then?

Your draconian banning program didnā€™t seem to cure anything either, I assume that will be done away with as well?


Good observation.

What we need is mod rotation to solve mod rancour.

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