Community rule vote: Moderators and moderation logs

You still have time to change your vote again.

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Jalfrezi replied to my post to make his point. Its a reasonable assumption to ask whether he was talking about my modding. If hes now clarified that he wasnt, thats fine.

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No. I mean the posts about ā€œjust let it goā€ from 6ix and hokie. The ones i discussed above.

Good to have you here. The non-drama threads are a lot more chill if you want to dip your feet in and hang out.

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Another mod whoā€™s been posting all day seems to have nothing to say about it. He also claimed to not have noticed the huge pile on orchestrated by cuse, jman etc a while ago which lasted days.

But never mind him, whatā€™s your opinion?

You didnā€™t ask me butā€¦

No one has really crossed any lines that havenā€™t been crossed a million times. Iā€™m not that big on the sanctity of threads, but if thereā€™s a problem here itā€™s straying off topic. Excise the off topic posts, state that thereā€™s a 1 day ban for bringing up subjects A, B, C, anyone who doesnā€™t want to see the other stuff can just stay out of the new threads, follow through on bans.


My approach has been to ask people to stop prior to taking action. That approach doesnt work when i come in 8 hours later and everything has already moved on.

Im now considering what the best approach is out of.

  1. Keep trying to ask people to stop in order to defuse the situation.
  2. Ignore all but the absolutely most egregious posts (i.e. horse porn)
  3. Wake up long after the action and mass ban 6 or 7 people.

Me being on a different time zone to when this thread seems to blow up makes my preferred approach (1) much less effective.

Thanks. Seems like a reasonable approach. I havent excised posts yet. Will try and figure out if i can do from mobile.

As for lines being crossed. Yeah. I guess it depends. I really dont want to see a forum where people are constantly hating on each other every day. It really sucks for the environment. So id prefer that stuff was over the line, you know?

Whether it is possible to draw a line there and enforce it, I dont know.


That seems like a lot of effort for basically no gain, right? I mean why bother? The entire thread is a shit show practically from the start.

It is maybe pointless if you donā€™t catch it in the heat of derail.

Yeah. I mean. Is it just the About Moderate threads that are like this? I dont post in many of the threads. The ones i do seem pretty reasonable. We could just allow people to go nuts here, seeing they clearly want to.

Yes. Obviously anyone taking this to the LC thread or music threads or camping thread etc is out of line and that hardly happens.

People actually respecting each other is the only real solution and that ship has sailed and is pretty far out to sea. Once in a while reconciliation happens though. Maybe a year with reconciliation > new fights will do it.

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6 posts were split to a new topic: Bickering about old drama

Have excised the stuff about PM Gate 2.0 to its own drama thread. (a little clumsily - first attempt to move posts)


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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

Thereā€™s been a lot of rancour over this issue, a lot of fractious disputation. Much provocation and hostility from parties on both sides. But the vote is now over, and term limits have been introduced.

Iā€™d like to say to everyone who voted yes that itā€™s good to be gracious in victory. I hope everyone who voted no agrees that itā€™s good to be gracious in defeat.

Iā€™m on record as feeling that two-month terms arenā€™t sufficent. That they wonā€™t produce the actual, tangible benefit term limits were sold on. If you find, six months down the line, that nothing, or not enough, has changed, Iā€™d urge you to bear that in mind before you think of returning to the old way.

This is now something truly unusual. This is now a thing that I defy you to find elsewhere, a rare gift, a toothsome delicacy fresh from the Captainsā€™ table: a republic - if you can keep it.

There will be calls, in the near, and the middle, and even in the distant future, for reaction, for a return to the way itā€™s always been. Iā€™d urge you to resist those calls, and to examine the history of those who make them. They will not - for the most part - be appraising the ability of this new system to deal with the problems they refer to. They will instead be assessing those problems, to appraise their persuasiveness as rallying-points to reject the new system. Iā€™d urge you to bear that in mind when you hear what they have to say.

You have voted yourselves into freedom. You will shortly, and for quite some time thereafter, be urged to vote yourselves out of it. I challenge you to resist those urgings. I challenge you to rise above the limits others would place on you. I challenge you to be better than those who mock and sneer believe you can be.

This can be something extraordinary. I ask any who care to give what they can to make it extraordinary. I ask any who care to give what they can, and what they must - be it civility, charity, curiosity, cameraderie, bonhomie or nothing more than good faith - to make it extraordinary. I ask any who care to give of their best.


As someone who voted no. Iā€™m not sad or mad, just hopeful I was wrong and this passing as a yes was the right move.