College Football 2024: Hail to the Cheaters

Deuce! :pensive:

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Good luck @AngryQueer !

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Both teams suck


Also the same nickname.

Auburn and LSU can figure out who can be the Tigers and who can’t.

(Fuck off Mizzou, I don’t even recognize you as in the SEC yet.)


how could K St possibly have known Duggan was going to run it?

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TCU coach has permanently pissed-off-confused-gaping-mouth face.

He’s like 3 inches short.

EDIT: More like 1 inch.

If I had a nickel

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Jim Caldwell but white

Horseshit spot.

That should be a TD

TD but announcers totally clueless

He was in, right?

I don’t see how that isn’t either a TD or a fumble.

Whistle already blown for forward progress stopped

If they only start looking at replay after all that.


These refs in the booth are consistently useless

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