College Football 2024: Hail to the Cheaters

So, just realizing this will be the first winning season for Illinois since 2011 (Ron Zook’s last year). :harold:

Obviously have had a number of coaches in that time, but it is nice for the ship to be pointed in the correct direction.

Illinois have improved a ton for sure but I’m not buying it long term. They have a 1st round CB in Witherspoon and the west is absolute shit this year. I’m not buying that long term

GG Wiper

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Still think Oregon State should play in the B10 Championship Game as a guest participant.

You owe them something before you render them homeless.

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Can’t wait to read the MGoBlog breakdown, Michigan had to be doing new stuff on defense. Stroud was confused as hell even when there was no pressure.


Yeah the 20k words of ufr will be great

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just loling at freeze signing 8 year extension a month ago and the auburn rumors and they just got blown out by new mexico state, who inexplicably is 5-6

Georgia, Michigan, USC, TCU unless LSU stuns Georgia then it’s LSU not TCU right


BeaverFan (me) just never learns and is cheering for a legendary comeback here

Oh bucknuts…

A logical Bucknutter saw this coming from a mile away. Yes yes yes we wanted a win but knew that equal talent and equal coaching was a recipe for disaster against this team.

Sir this was not equal coaching.

Whether or not you agreed with Hairballs “born on 3rd base” comment, he was right.


Jim is the only reason we were undefeated. Ryan born in 3rd and his calling sucks

Beautiful, turn on each other

Thread title:

Speed Dial 1) Urban or 2) Fickell

Oh god yes

This team always melts against pressure.

I’m dismayed and living in disbelief

Ryan day is a nutless wonder child.

There’s so much more

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LOL top thread:

Zero chance an undefeated TCU is getting left out.

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Bring back Zack Smith!


every single team they beat will have lost 4 games, they don’t have much of an argument to get in other than “well why not look at those other crappy teams”

Jesus Christ, Ducks

USC is a dog to win out.

oh sorry didn’t realize Notre Dame was BACK

Gary Danielson was just working himself up into a mastubatory frenzy talking about CHAOS scenarios where Bama gets in.

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