Coffee Talk (and Tea)

Got some different beans for Vietnamese coffee. Apparently it was arabica, robusta, catimor and excelsa beans. I have no idea what those last two are.

ETA: The brand is Trung Nguyen

For tomorrow

Single-origin arabica beans from DRC. Wanted to see what the deal is with organically-grown coffee. See if it’s any better. Probably not but you never know.

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Roasted in London Fields (from where the Martin Amis novel took its name and inspiration).

I’ve usually stuck to Union roasts - will be interested to see what you make of this.

Didn’t even bother looking at the roaster since I’ve never heard of them before


Coffee snobs aficionados here swear by the importance of the roaster. I’ve stuck to Union roasts just in case they’re right, but as London Fields is hipster heartland now I’d expect it to rate highly.

It’s probably moot when you throw a load of milk in it as I do anyway.

This stuff is good but a bit weird. First off, it has almost no scent. Normally, I pop open some coffee and the scent hits you pretty intensely. Even after grinding the beans, there isn’t much. I suppose that’s a sign of organically-produced coffee?

Anyway, it doesn’t taste much different from regular coffee. I mean the difference between Jif and organically-produced peanut butter is night and day. Here, there may be a difference but not enough to pay out the ass for it. That said, the coffee is fairly good. The fact that it’s single-origin probably takes away from any diversity of flavors but that isn’t necessarily an awful thing.

Long story short: take your environmentalism elsewhere. This coffee is good but not good enough to justify the price increase.

Agreed, Jif perfected peanut butter and organic versions are garbage.

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No. Do we need a peanut butter thread to settle this?

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Been a while since I had an Indonesian coffee, I used to drink Sumatra almost exclusively.

French Pressed it and not happy with the result at all. Roast was not as dark as I expected and final product is not as rich as I would think. Possible I messed up the ratio somewhere and also it sort of burst out of the press when I depressed the plunger.

I just ordered more of the light Sumatran from Happy Mug that has the cedary open. Also got two Ethiopians and the Harrar is really good if anyone is interested (haven’t tried the other one yet).

Trader Joe’s is just cranking these out lately. I feel like they used to be one every few months and now there’s a new one every time I go. Already had the Uganda and it was good enough that this is my second bag. It’s got that oily feel that I prefer in my darker roasts. Also got some local Sumatra that was lighter than I’m used to, although probably about medium roast. We didn’t care for it out of the French press but it was great as a drip coffee, which is sort of unusual.

Just now I went to clean my French press that had been sitting since yesterday and there was a dead cockroach between the lid and the filter. No idea when it got in there so hoping I didn’t press my coffee with it in there yesterday. One of the most disgusting experiences of my life, not sure whether I just toss the press and buy a new one (I washed it for now).

It’s fine with a thorough wash imo.

I left mine for 6 weeks without cleaning and there was a bit of mold on the ground coffee left in there. Still using it.

Lol I just came to post about the two new small batch. I got a bag of the Honduran and it’s ok; a little floral-y for my tastes. The Ugandan is pretty solid for the price. Saw the Nicaraguan today, but have two open bags at the moment.

For $8 a bag, I’ll try all of these once.

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Yeah the Honduras doesn’t sound like my style but I will always try a small batch once given the price. The Nicaragua sounds up my alley though.

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Too floral-y? Damn I might have to drive all the way over there now.

I’ll make a pot again today, but I don’t really love light roasts. I like a medium-dark with chocolate, nutty, caramel, etc. The Honduran says “tropical fruit, honey, dark chocolate”.

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Well, I’m about to become a fancy boy… just bought a coffee grinder for first time in life and ordered 9 different bags of coffee from Klatch using the 30% off code mentioned earlier ITT to figure out wtf I like.

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Nine bags? Wow. Would recommend double bagging and freezing what you aren’t gonna use in the first two weeks. I did exactly that with the Elida from Klatch and it was still one of the most amazing coffees I’ve had a month later.