Coffee Talk (and Tea)

Maybe do it like an horchata: use evaporated milk and then add your own sugar in the quantity desired.

Horchata is delicious during the summer! Used to drink that in Spain regularly.

Donā€™t know any places in Prague that have it though.

Anyways, Vietnamese coffee is commonly served iced due to the hot weather in Vietnam. Iā€™ll give that a go soonish.

Thereā€™s also a recipe that uses egg. Kind of weird but Iā€™ll try that too.

Iā€™m fine using condensed milk now. No need to change that to evaporated milk just yet.

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Wanted a latte after work but my usual place has shortened hours due to COVID, so I got a flat white from Starbucks. Iā€™ve had them be pretty good in the past but this one is just terrible. How do you make a drink that doesnā€™t taste like either of its components?

When I lived in Spain, you wouldnā€™t catch a Spanish person dead in a Starbucks. The only people who were there were tourists.

The Chinese students I taught last summer absolutely loved Starbucks. They couldnā€™t get enough of it. They didnā€™t understand why I hated it.

My wife likes Starbucks, I will drink it if someone else is paying or if i donā€™t have another good option. Their dark roasts are usually ā€œfineā€ although I usually get a latte or other constructed when Iā€™m out because i prefer the regular coffee I make at home.

Nobody is going there to drink coffee. Itā€™s a modern day shake shop. Like maybe the 7 am crowd but I bet most of them are adding tons of cream/sugar. Their Pike is drinkable as a pour over and has a bit of spiciness but the batch brew is bland.

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I get cold brew from Starbucks and use it for caffeine shots. We have a Starbucks Reserve, which is like their show-off stores where they put supposedly higher quality coffee, in Sacramento and they have decent stuff imo, but I have terrible taste.

Anytime I go to Starbucks (which is often, I travel a lot for work so Iā€™m often with cow-orkers or in airports) I get their tea. Their green tea is probably the best mass market tea Iā€™ve ever had.

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Theyā€™ve bought into the idea that to live a free western lifestyle you have to behave like stereotypical Americans. It has nothing to do with the quality of the coffee.

China isnā€™t known for its coffee. And Starbucks is quite expensive by Chinese standards. From their perspective, it is good.

But overall, western culture is trendy in China. I had students training themselves to speak with American accents because they wanted to sound like the actors they watch in Hollywood films. Itā€™s sort of how K-Pop has taken off and weeaboo culture is an obsession with all things Japanese.

If I ever go to Japan it wonā€™t be for the legit Blue Mountain coffee but for the Christmas tradition of [checks notes] eating KFC.


They opened up a Starbucks-branded coffee shop in our cafe at work and itā€™s actually pretty decent, consistently better than a real Starbucks although pretty limited in what they can make and with a lower ceiling since they use an automatic espresso maker. I would estimate that 9/10 drinks i see come out of there are some sort of iced or frozen, sugary beverage. And not just regular Frappuccinos, which have a reasonable number of calories if you consider them a dessert - Iā€™m talking giant mounds of frozen sugar with hills of whipped cream and syrups.

Guess Iā€™ll never find out because I only support coffee shops that serve blacks.

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Probably more Karens per square foot there than anywhere on earth.

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Had french press black today. Lacks both the strength and sweetness of Vietnamese coffee. Still delicious and I love it if the beans are quality.

But if I have time to spare in the morning, itā€™s Vietnamese coffee all day every day.

Iā€™m almost finished with the gesha village. I think Iā€™ve been drinking geshas for too many weeks to accurately describe it. However, the point I want to make is that I let the water temp roll off gradually the last few days, and thatā€™s produced a more interesting cup than pouring max temperature. The strange thing about that is that Iā€™d have expected the opposite: sourness and underextraction. As played, it has a darker, interesting open followed by bright but not sour acidity.

Interesting, thanks. Iā€™ll do some more experimentation with our remaining supply.

Anyone have strong recommendations for our next purchase? Weā€™re open to any flavor profiles as long as they are interesting and high-quality.

Have you tried S&W Craft Roasting out of Indiana? Itā€™s the best value in coffee Iā€™ve found. The Santa Rosa natural is very unique. They also have cascara if you want something totally different. Might wanna check on their shipping times due to COVID.

Sunergos in Louisville tends to have very balanced coffees. Of the ones they have in stock, Iā€™m most familiar with the Tanzania peaberry. Their Colombian was my favorite, but Iā€™m not sure itā€™s the one they are selling atm. Free shipping right now at $12.49.

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There are almost too many choices for coffee these days with so many quality roasters. Canā€™t imagine the market will support all of them but I donā€™t think weā€™ve hit the peak yet. Once people find out theyā€™ve been getting swindled their entire lives, theyā€™ll demand good coffee and some major corporation will ruin it for us.

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