
Very nice game from Firouzja against Caruana.

Active bishop pairs are so brutal. I lost a game in a tourney today against a 16xx player because I won the exchange but he ended up with the bishop pair in an open position with my king a bit exposed. It was just overwhelmingly strong for him, nothing I could do.

Iā€™ve found a position where I disagree with the engine.

It claims thereā€™s no real difference between b5 and Rb5. In fact, if you look at the bottom right, it prefers b5 after it looks one move deeper. However, b5 (as played in the game) leads to a series of trades, all of which the engine suggests, that take the white position from great to winning. I followed the Rb5 line for a bit, and thereā€™s no killing blow there. Itā€™s still a challenge to prove that the advantage will be decisive.

FEN: 8/2r2pp1/1pPkp3/3r3p/1PR1P3/2R3P1/4KP1P/8 b - - 0 31

Radjabov has withdrawn from the candidates because of Corona virus concerns and will be replaced by MVL.

Someone asked me who I would pick; Ding and Caruana vs the field. Itā€™s close, but Iā€™d go for Ding and Caruana.

Bizarre game from Nepo against MVL in the Candidates.

Closing with c4 in the Winawer isnā€™t usually so threatening. Whiteā€™s plan of rerouting the B to the a3/f8 diagonal is well known even to club players but MVL prepared it so well.

Tournament hs been postponed now. I donā€™t know who this favours but hope we get a new challenger after the somewhat dull imo WC matches last time.

GMs on have already mentioned that Radjabov has a case for arguing the candidates should be declared null and void and restarted with him, as he was simply ahead of his time in withdrawing, though fuck him for his suggestion that Wang Hao should be put into quarantine, which is racism when other players came from affected countries.

I hadnā€™t seen that he said that. He got screwed pretty hard by FIDE, but I do like that MVL is in the tournament.

Open challenge to anyone on! Iā€™m TJ_Eckleburg12 there.

Iā€™m not very good (1420 atm), just like to play! ā€¦And Iā€™m incapable of playing blitz, because it stresses me out and causes me anxiety when I inevitably blunder.

So give me 3 or 7 days to move, and Iā€™ll keep a game going with you in perpetuity!!

I promise I wonā€™t use engines or anything (this will quickly become apparent after you see me make a few moves)

Why Wang only and not Ding also? Kind of a weird racist oversight.

Ding went to Russia and put himself into quarantine 2 weeks before the start of the Candidates.

Thanks. That would certainly explain it.

Does anyone have experience setting up a club on I live in a small town where a bunch of folks play in the local coffee shop, but during this time of distancing thouht it could be a good opportunity to try and launch an actual local club. Just wondering if people know about fees, etc?

Would advise you to use lichess. Itā€™s all free and pretty simple to set up a team.

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Hmm. Never heard fof lichess before now. Seems really simple. Any drawbacks? Looking to host tournaments within a small group, be able to chat with everyone, play indivicduals witin the group.

The only drawback is that AFAIK you can only make Arena tourneys (so no Swiss)

Agadmatorā€™s channel today features 2+2er curtains getting wiped off the board by Ivanchuk.

Hard to poke fun at him because curtains is better than Iā€™ll ever be, but that ending position looks awful.

Any idea what the time controls were for the game?

Blitz, 3+1, so hard to poke too much fun.


lol what a n00b

Fabi/Magnus playing winner take all rapid game right now.

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