
I’ve been enjoying my beginners level chess again. I’m going to order some books for Xmas break, any chess book recommendations? Could be an “essential” book on strategy/tactics or any off the beaten path book one of you has found interesting.

Practice tactics here:

I have a lichess account and a chesstempo account. I’m just looking for any chess books of interest.

I had one guy who let their clock run down from 90 seconds and then made a move with one second left i guess hoping that i had closed the game out

Susan Polgar’s Chess Tactics for Champions.

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Guys! We’re finally cool!

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2021 internet chess boom?

Wait til MM hears of this and makes another fortune from it.


Can someone tell me why the engine wants me to capture here with the knight? Can’t he recapture with the c3 knight ?? I’m missing something.

I think maybe if he does that you play d5.


Ahhh, gotcha. Nice one.

d5 fork I guess


This Nxe4 trick is a classic way to “equalize” as black in many openings if white gives you the opportunity.

Does anyone remember the Natural Language Advice feature of Chessmaster 9000? Is there an easy way to get some kind of natural language analysis from pgn files?

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I remember it, I’m ~pretty sure there’s a feature like that in some of the Fritz releases, unless I’m just confabulating that.

eta: There are many results on google it looks like

There’s a modest free tier for this product

Aww fuck that, I can’t believe with all the advances in neural network computing that there isn’t a free service that can review a game and explain to me in plain English how I dun goofed. Man, CM9k was so far ahead of its time.

You should be able to find something, the problem is this neverending saas shit that’s plaguing all software.

Eager customer: I want to buy a program for $50 dollars please

Software proprietor: Nope, you can it use 5 times a day for free for 1 month, or you can have it for $6 a month, or $49 a year

Eager customer: guy gets tossed out of office window.jpg


got into this a bit recently after it started popping up in my youtube feed but man, I’m too old for learning or my brain is shot. I make way too many ridic blunders. Not just the machine says it’s one and it takes me awhile to see it ones. Like as soon as I put the piece down oh **** ones. Really hadn’t played the game at all in over 20 years and casual at best, learned what I’m supposed to do in the early game but I’m not sure it’s helped me that much, I don’t do enough with it.

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Chess is a very very hard game. Don’t be thrown off by those kid prodigies. They have played A LOT.

And even grandmasters blunder. I watched a game Irina Krush played in the US Women’s Championship where you could see her instantly react when she realized she messed up. But if irrc her opponent missed the opportunity and Irina won. Tunnel vision. It happens.

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