
Breaking news: Armenia forfeits the Pro Chess League title it just won against the St. Louis Arch Bishops due to Fair Play violations.

GM Tigran Petrosian given a lifetime PCL ban.

Namesake former World Champion Tigran Petrosian rolling over in his grave.

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The video where he kept looking down was incriminating. It was just long enough to see something, not staring off into space to think. Very Mike Postle.

Chess goes where athletics and other sports fail to go.

Wow, that was quick. Was there any evidence beyond what was public? Nakamura looked through one of the games and fairly convincingly made the case that a few moves looked weird

It’s unlikely that the PCL or is going to make their findings public.

My guess is that they relied on a combination of his looking down and his rattling off a long series of non-obvious “best” moves.

Nice game.

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there’s no time frame for the bet. he posts up 400k upfront. This structure makes it obvious that the bet won’t happen, cause it doesn’t actually make sense from his side (he’s posting up front a set amount and getting a set amount in 20 years would make no sense, as it will be worth less).

i guess the question is can timex make GM if he dedicates a large part of his life to it.

also i literally have no idea about chess.

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I don’t care how fucking smart you are, how much you have crushed poker. Odds are massively massively against you suddenly achieving GM unless you have grown up with chess. Is there any GM that didn’t grow up with chess?

Like every 50 rating points in 2000+ FIDE is a massive level.

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GM infinitely harder

Yeah being a GM requires innate ability. The weird thing is that a dude who is 1800 FIDE doesn’t realise that.

I would guess that many adults with an 1800 FIDE had the brain capacity required to reach GM. However, few people have the motivation and resources to study and play enough to reach that goal.

No, as Chris V said you need natural ability.

I had a bright lawyer friend in the 90s who was determined to become at least an IM ie >=2300. Last time I looked he was 1900.

So one adult you know was unable to improve? Chessmate!

I thought it was too obvious to mention that it’s pretty important to start young as well. But I believe that most people who achieve 1800 FIDE had the basic brain capacity to become a GM given the right circumstances.

It’s not about what you call brain capacity.

GMs don’t always (or even often) excel in other areas.

Do you have any idea what you’re even talking about?

Duh. I assume most GMs don’t excel at other things because of the focus they’ve placed on chess, not because they are all savants who are incapable of other types of success.

Yes, because I’m repeating the opinion of Reuben Fine while you are merely repeating the opinion of some arrogant random bloke on the internet.

Fine stated that the ability to play chess at a high level seems to be a unique ability unrelated to other intellectual activities.

Now you can run along and google him.

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LOL…I met Fine at an APA convention shortly before his death, and I grew up reading his chess books.

While he was a great GM and a well-respected Freudian psychologist from the mid-20th century, I’ll take my knowledge of brain chemistry and cognitive performance over Fine’s.

You are just as ignorant and condescending here as you are in the politics threads.

Rich coming from someone whose first interaction was

Projecting much?