Charitable Giving

One way to make the world a better place is to give money to people and organizations who are doing good work. Hoping we can share some of those here.

The Life You Can Save is a collection of high-impact charities focused on health improvements and poverty reduction efforts.

This example is a good illustration of the idea of effective giving:

Consider this: It costs about US$50,000 to train a guide dog that will help a blind person in the United States — a very good cause. For that same cost, an organization like Seva or the Fred Hollows Foundation can restore sight to at least 1,000 people living in extreme poverty through interventions like cataract surgery and trachoma prevention.

Please share other good charities.


Before giving to anything run it through


Thanks I didn’t know about this

Puppies are cute though

Lost a bet to @MikeLikesOrgies, who apparently also likes puppies and/or kitties too.