Cancel Culture and the Harper's Letter

because it’s maybe uncomfortable to some people and seemingly ever-evolving?

most posters in this forum probably struggle to empathize with the burden that reconciliation of ideas like trans teens - and all that that involves - pose to the belief systems of others, as it’s almost immediately normalized by people with a live-and-let-live sensibility. There’s unfortunately no universality to that, and even if there were, the ubiquitous speech-monitoring would still seek to foil it.

Yeah, like one thing that bothers me about the “trans women are women” orthodoxy is enforced is that it gets used to circumvent debate on any of these more difficult issues. I’m fine with the idea that trans women are women, but redefining a word away from how it was traditionally used doesn’t mean you get to just update all past usages to the new meaning. Most obviously, as you pointed out earlier, I’ve always described myself as being romantically/sexually interested in women. It doesn’t logically follow that subscribing to “trans women are women” requires me to become interested in dating trans women. Rather, what I meant all along was that I am interested in cis women, it was just never a distinction which needed making before.

The division between women and men’s sports, especially at the professional level, doesn’t (or shouldn’t) exist because segregating genders is just an awesome thing that we love doing. It exists because there are biological differences between the sexes which have direct relevance to physical competition. It’s therefore reasonable to ask whether by “women’s sport” we really meant “women’s sport” or whether we meant “sport for people without the advantages conferred by masculine body development” or something like that. I don’t really have a strong opinion on the issue but I’m generally opposed to this idea that any and all historical references to women now have to be read as applying to trans women as well.


Nothing insightful to add except this discussion is really helping me rethink my behaviors and thinking patterns to be more inclusive and less of a jackass.


We all agree that futanari is awesome though right?


I, too, know what I want to be… until tomorrow.

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In 2019, 25 transgender and gender non-confirming people were killed because of the type of transphobia that Rogan stokes.

Maybe it’s the fault of some figurehead.

A charitable reading of this might suggest that you don’t think cis men and women are ‘really’ men or women either, which I think is a perfectly acceptable take.

The sides are playing to stalemate. Any movement from the status quo will be imperceptible.

It’s pushback. Like what was thought of the gun lobby after Columbine. The specter of Charlton Heston and the NRA holding a rally mere days afterward is transformed and earns understanding. There’s a new shadow to consider. Unabridged gun rights have gained sympathy lately.

Having bad mentions isn’t being canceled. JK Rowling is no worse off today then she was last year as you say.

So you’ve been publicly shamed came out 5 years ago. It’s great! Give it a read people!

The worst victim of “cancel culture” has probably still been ACORN, which was a bad faith attempt from the right.


Yeah I’ve read that. Good book.

I hope cancel culture accelerates dramatically to the extent that 99% of people get off social media. If you make a Facebook post that isn’t a picture of a doggo, cancelled. If you post a tweet that isn’t ‘wine Wednesday lol’, cancelled. If you post an insta that isn’t a badly photoshopped picture of you under a waterfall. Cancelled. Keep cancelling everyone until there’s no one left then shut these platforms down for good.


I think in fact there should only be one social media site, all others should be nationalised and then shut down. It should be one where no one can actually see or interact with anyone else. You make your post, it goes on your wall (that only you can see) and then an AI responds to you with contextual responses like “hmm good post” or :+1: :smile: or “Wow really insightful I hadn’t thought of that.”

That way we can still all get the GOOD CHEMICALS but we don’t have to tear down the fabric of society at the same time.


How can you justify drinking wine on a wed while so many people are unemployed and dying?

Wow really insightful I hadn’t thought of that.


I think my favorite thing about all the crying about cancel culture is that it is basically a bunch of culturally conservative people complaining to me, an atheist, that suddenly there are things they believe that they aren’t allowed to say in public… and that this is a new thing that has never happened before.

I also find it annoying that they’ve somehow managed to equate 20 year olds being mean to them on twitter with having your career ruined and being blacklisted, which isn’t in any way what they are going through. They are going through, at worst, a moderately severe case of cyber bullying with some mild professional repercussions.

The only exceptions to that last part are people who basically outed themselves as wearing hoods on the weekends, and that’s been not allowed for a long long while.


Oh boy, now there’s a counter-letter.

The people who have faced actual real-world, severe consequences for their public comments have almost universally been people on the left getting cancelled by the right.

Christine Blasey Ford, Colin Kaepernick, Chelsea Manning come to mind.

New York Times writers getting yelled at on social media doesn’t fucking count.


So… back on 2+2 we used to have what I called #TeamN. Which was a buncha fools who’s constant line was along the lines of “I wanna do some kinda therapy on the r-word-ers, But, every time anyone on “the left” posts the r-word the r-word-ers run away”. Which was usually followed by “… and those on “the left” posting the r-word are hurting their own cause”.

Then, here on UnStuck we have the “Messagista Brigade.” In posts (that have aged poorly) they’ve claimed that BLM distracts from the mainstream donkey candidates, or calling for a general strike on May Day is a fool’s errand. In every case (and always completely without citing any sources) they claim that “the left” is hurting their
own causes.

Then now we got this crap about “cancel culture”… whatever that is.

What do they all have in common?

  1. Those against always use “the left” in an non-ironic manner… which is always a sign of a fool. All are concern trolling, flat out.

  2. All of those against imagine that some hive mind (or Soros led conspiracy) magically connects and directs this “the left”.

  3. None of those against actually have any practical alternatives to put on the floor. It’s all, always, incoherent whining.

The only way that the old #TeamN on 2+2 could have “won” is by getting the r-word banned. There is no hive mind on “the left”. Any atomized poster was free to post the r-word at their whim. Which was always going to happen as a practical matter. So what were #TeamN’s really trying to do… well, chill chatting about r-word-ism, of course.

Likewise with our Messagista Brigade here on UnStuck. They (would have) loved a world where BLM activists would hush up, so as not to conflict with the messaging of the mainstream donkeys. But again, there is no “hive mind”, their concept of “the left” is gibberish, and most BLM activists are always going to reject their transparent concern trolling. So… once again the question is raised: what are this Messagista Brigade actually attempting to accomplish with their whining and concern trolling?

Then we got this “cancel culture” crap. Again, there is no “hive mind” on “the left”. It only takes what… 1% of 1% of those on the various social media/etc platforms to do what those against don’t want to have done. There is simply no way any number of “Harper’s Letters” are going to change that fact. So… once again the question is raised: what are those who are driving this anti-“cancel culture” actually attempting to accomplish with their whining and concern trolling?



Feels like they resent no longer being the gate keepers for intellectual discourse now that everyone has the ability to broadcast to the world.

So there is a debate over whether or or not men who self identify as women can play in female sport leagues?