Business & Management chat

well it depends, if you’re interviewing for like a cashier job or something, yeah. anything else, you’ve got a lot of leverage if they decide they like you and you’re negotiating at all. Finding a good candidate is really hard, it’s ESPECIALLY hard right now.

True, but taking a new job is a lot of effort too. You have to find time to research companies, apply, interview, etc. And taking the job means possibly leaving behind friends at the old job, learning a new commute, maybe moving cities, etc. There is friction to the employee and the employer usually knows it and uses that leverage/inertia to their advantage.

[One thing about a world where where all jobs that could be done remotely are done remotely is that some of the friction for employees will be decreased, so this dynamic could change if complete wfh really takes hold]

Is it really, though?

I could be biased from personal experiences, but I get the feeling that employers simply suck at hiring.

Most jobs get dozens if not hundreds of applicants. (Yes, I know there’s a lot of junk in there.)

yes really

There’s been a position open on another team for a couple of months now. Every time we find someone we really like they’re hired somewhere else because they have 3 or 4 other offers. From an employer’s perspective it’s not good or at least frustrating, from an employee’s or societal perspective it’s not bad.

Glad to know I still live in Bizarroworld, where getting a job is harder than ever.

I’m not even getting interviews anymore for jobs I’m 100% qualified for.

Also all the applications are scanned by AI to identify candidates. If you’re writing resumes for human readers you’re a decade behind the times. Some kids these days even just copy the key words from the job posting, put them in their resume as white font, and submit. The AI will pick up all the key words and flag the applicant as qualified.

Yeah, I’m going to go ahead and file this under “employers suck at hiring”.

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This is a bit of a myth. Certainly some places do. But most places still rely on the “skim the CV in seven seconds then make a snap judgement” approach. Unless you are applying for McDonald’s

This is also true

Anyway, if you’re applying for jobs by submitting shit on a website you are definitely doomed.

You need a referral or you need to figure out who the hiring manager is and contact that person directly.

Literally have never met anyone who got an interview much less a job sending an application in via job posting. It is a complete black hole. It sucks and I hate it but you just have to network. Or work with an lol recruiter.

Hi. I got my current job via a job posting on, Hmmm, pretty sure it was Indeed, and then submitting my resume.

Employers: It’s difficult to find people.

Also employers: You have to know someone here to get referred. Also if you don’t use our secret words in your resume, it just goes in the trash.

Me: Fuck off.

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Just walk in and shake hands with the manager or owner.

That’s how our grandparents did it, anyway.


Got my job and several interviews out of job postings. Granted most of them were focused on new grad positions.

Literally dozens of interviews from job postings. Only one offer though.

I just happened to peek at my calendar for this week and noticed an 7:00AM call with a prospect tomorrow morning, what the fuck. Dug around a bit and see that our sales development rep sent the invite yesterday, DOUBLE what the fuck. gonna knock some heads tomorrow.

I love when a customer says “we have five more minutes on the call, let’s quickly talk about xyz” and I’m thinking “Actually, dipshit, we’re 25 minutes OVER time already”

Anyone who concludes a conference call with “I’ll give you back ___ minutes” should be summarily tortured and executed