Business & Management chat

My brother and sister in law are recruiters. Brother is the only shitbag, but he’s the third party recruiter.

biggest complaints from recruiters lately, both in-house and agency, is they want to talk on the phone. No fukken way, shitbag, zoom only. You aint gonna get the ability to call me whenever you want. No zoom, no meet, period.

2nd is these agency recruiters will open their inmail with the usual “hot opportunity, meow chow can’t miss this” and I just respond with “send job description and the client details and I’ll review.” 90% of them won’t, they don’t get a meeting either. They’ll come back with something like this:

“I’m not in a position to disclose companies or roles right now. Firstly before we can tell you what roles we have, we need to sync over an introductory call to find out what companies would be right for you.”

Nope. Fuck off. I block these guys. They literally never have anything good.

Then there are the shitheads that list their location as “new york” and you look at their calendly and they only have open times at like 7:30AM. Because they’re actually in Berlin. Universally bad experiences with these bozos (both agency and in-house).

One incredibly bad experience I had recently was with an in-house sourcer, the “head” of recruiting (it’s a ~30 person company, so almost certainly the only recruiter they have), who dragged my current company within ~5 minutes of getting on the zoom. I am in hindsight pretty mad at myself for not just insta-disconnecting right then, but I finished the call and then ghosted them.


Is this really that bad? I wouldn’t say it seems standard? But it doesn’t seem like it would be rare.

I like the phone chats, personally, but hard agree on all this

wait what you answer your phone? Like ever?

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I’m comfortable having a phone call.

But I’m also never answering a call I wasnt expecting. Phone on silent. To voicemail without thinking.

I don’t like to keep the phone on silent, because I don’t want to miss a call from wife or kids.

So even though I don’t answer most calls, even the rings are annoying.

I guess there is probably a way I could get my phone to ring only for certain people on my contacts and be silent for everyone else. Anyone want to point me in the right direction?

Android has Do Not Disturb mode that allows exceptions for contacts or favorite contacts.

How about iphone. That’s what I’ve got.

My boss asked someone in a zoom interview what they like to do for fun, one of the things they mentioned was reading, so he followed up with “what are you reading?” and the person thought he was accusing them of reading something off the screen and was super flustered like “what!?! nothing??? why would I be reading something I’m focused on this interview I swear!” and ya needless to say it killed the interview after that and they didn’t get the job.


it’s just super unprofessional, it’s a huge red flag for toxic culture IMO

yes, I do get legit calls from people who aren’t in my contacts.

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I demand Zoom calls because 90% of my value proposition is that I’m handsome.

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Thanks. I’ll give it a try.

With my skills there’s no way anyone will hire me unless they know for certain that I’m a white male.


The job description:

The about us page:

Every time.

Dave Bitcoin seems like a better fit for the CFO position


Dean Broski. Wow


Warning: vagueposting ahead

It really is something when you can identify a major (metaphorical) explosion that’s going to happen at work, it plays out slowly over several days in exactly the way you expected/feared, and the only thing you can do about it is to wonder exactly who is going to bear the brunt of the fallout.