Business & Management chat

I mean. You and RM arent wrong about there being lots of bad bosses. But also generally people are pretty bad at assessing the competence of their boss.

I would also guess that theres more bias to do this among people who

A) value domain specific knowledge over generalist skills
B) have poorer social skills on average

Even if they offered to pay you a fair hourly for your effort?

no, but if you can point me to an example of a company paying actual consulting rates to interview candidates, I’d be interested. Maybe it’s an industry thing (I work in enterprise software startups).

The last time I was interviewing, I told a company pretty emphatically to shove it when they asked to see a demo in AWS and they wouldn’t foot the bill. The whole thing probably would have cost less than $10 but it was the principle of the thing.

When I got my job out of grad school, I was “contract to hire”, which was standard for that firm. For 6 months I was technically an employee of the recruiting firm, paid less with crappy benefits doing the same job. Apparently they didn’t want to risk having to fire me.

When the contract was over they offered me a standard entry level salary. I was happy to get it.

I once went to an “interview” at a used book store in a strip mall where they had me reshelf books for a few hours. I got paid for it, but it was pretty weird.

It was cheaper for them to pay you than to get someone from a temp agency.

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You get the job?

About 7-8 years ago I got a contract web dev job at this small company Foo. When I told this recruiter I had been working with this he’s like “oh boy”.

I told them I had to go to my uncle’s funeral in CA on Friday. I came in Monday, got started, barely got my machine set up etc, and then got the plane. They fired me (!) on the phone while I was literally at the funeral.

Today I took a call from them for my next role and completely forgot the above story until like 15 minutes in. :grimacing:

Still waiting for a call


When I have been in an environment that supports it, this is how I would hire every time. I only did 4-6 wks instead 6 months.

What field?

had a 45-minute interview scheduled at 7:00AM this morning, this is a company that I’m not particularly interested in but I’m trying to get live-fire practice in. This is the third interview, and the 2nd with the hiring manager.

The zoom is started at 7:01 and I get the “the host will let you in soon” waiting room screen. He never lets me in. I’m doing TPS reports in another window while I let it sit there. At 7:15 I finally drop. At 7:18 I get an email from the recruiter asking if I got the invite and why I didn’t join the zoom.


Make sure you remember the new cover sheets.


this happens to me all the time, I usually wait 5 mins and then email “am I in the right room?”

I actually failed one final interview because I had issues with my microphone on a new machine and had to call in. they gave that as the specific feedback. lol. I hate this remote shit

the recruiter emailed that she fucked up the zoom settings, which I’m not sure if that’s just to save face for the manager or what.

Okay. This is weird. Trying to figure out the scam here.

I get an email from a recruiter which seems fairly legit.

I am Kathy xxx , Senior Executive Recruiter at xxx . Our client has retained us to fill various senior-level positions in their organization.

Our Talent Acquisition Manager mentioned that you might be a good fit for one of the open positions. From what I have seen on your Linkedin profile, your background is impressive and you’ve done some interesting things similar to our client’s needs.

Let me know if you are interested in learning more by responding to this email with a copy of your resume.

Theres also a link to the website.

In order to get some background so I know what sort of roles and industry its likely to be to modify my resume, I do a bit of googling and searching on linkedin. And i start to get a few red flags.

  • no linkedin for this lady or the company
  • no linkedin for the supposed CEO of the company
  • google search on just the company name doesnt come up. Only if you add “executive search”

The website looks pretty professional, but a little vague. So on a hunch, a grab a long block of text and do a google search on the whole thing.

Now it gets weird.

Theres a second, identical website, with a different company name.

And by identical. I mean everything. The only difference is the “meet the team” section. They have 4 different people, with 4 different names, but with identical text descriptions.

It sounds like they lure people to job interviews and then take their kidneys.


My guess is eventually they’ll be asking you for your SSN for a background check and/or bank account info for direct deposit.


Yeah, that’s about the only thing I can come up with.

Okay. I tracked it down and figured out the scam.

After you send the resume you get told “we had problems processing your CV. Can you please upload it to our CV scanning service. This allows us to capture key words and do natural language processing”

And then that service asks you for $5 to handle the processing.

I assume from that point, they steal your credit cards details…

Clever scam. But relies on over trusting idiot boomers for it to work… so im sure they are doing well.

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