Bump This Thread When Jimmy Carter Outlives Someone Nonterrible

I was going to say “if anyone thinks this can’t happen here, they’re fooling themselves”, but then I remembered that something like 50% of the country wants the government to be able to just capture and kill people it doesn’t like. The right kind of government, I mean.

It happened with Epstein last year

Crazy but that was almost 5 years ago

Inventor of pop tarts deserves their own thread.

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And right up until the leopard eats their face.

everyone is talking about it, with somewhat scant confirmation of this, but seems like it would be impossible to go back on if this was a fake.

RIP. biggest hope russia had in decades.

russian propaganda is claiming that western intelligence got to him in a penal colony. :roll_eyes:

I had a frosted cherry pop tart yesterday. Disappointing compared to what I remembered from when I was a kid. They’re smaller and have less filling. It kind of evaporates in my mouth. On the plus side, one tart doesn’t exceed my calorie allowance for dessert. I give them 2/4 pitchforks.

Navalny had his complications but it still feels like a big loss.



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Like many kids in the 70s, I’m sure I ate them multiple times per week. However, by the time I was in college I thought they were kind of gross, since the pastry is basically greased cardboard.




Not usually one to be hit by celebrity deaths but far out, what a genius

That episode was a bit too on the nose.

This is a rough one.

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If the rule of 3 still applies thats Lewis and Vrigil in a 1 day span. Are there any mid-level sports stars we should be worrying about?


With Ole Anderson and, now, Virgil, shouldn’t you be looking for a third wrestler?

Didnt realize Ole had gone. That can be 3. No more please.

At least Ole made it to 80, odds on a wrestler making it there are astronomically low.

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I’m sure we can root for certain people in the wrestling industry to kick the bucket.

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I will always remember Virgil as the guy with the alleged 14.5" penis that he supposedly showed Pat Patterson to get a job and that he was said to have been able to put in his own mouth.
