Bump This Thread When Jimmy Carter Outlives Someone Nonterrible

Oh man, he was wonderful.


RIP Holt. Has to be one of the best dramatic actors to absolutely kill comedy

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RIP Braugher. Who didn’t love this guy? To go from shows like Homicide and Men of a Certain Age and pivot to comedy so well on Brooklyn.

A wonderful actor.

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Could post these all day



He’s so great in this role. Just enough comedy from the straight man in the show

So he got a periodic infusion of ketamine but he must have had another supply that he was taking at home, cause the schedule infusion was a week or more before his death?

And as simple as ketamine + hot tub = passing out + drowning

Or am I missing something?

No I think that’s about it.

Alternative treatments are tricky and scare for addicts imo. Knowing the way my brain works, the leap from doctor-administered ketamine therapy to doing ketamine on my own is way smaller than just starting to take it out of the blue. Going to a shaman to take ayahuasca might have long-term benefits, but then I’d be like “oh, so hallucinogens are cool, let’s rock and roll”. I can’t and should not take a position on any doctor-prescribed treatments anybody else pursues, but for me personally I need to stick with total abstinence.


Kenpachiro Satsuma, who starred in many 70-80’s Godzilla movies.



So Michael Jackson, Prince, Perry all taking approved medications under doctors supervision and the FAFO when self administering.

IIRC Michael Jackson died when the doctor administering his propofol wasn’t paying good enough attention. I think Prince was doctor-shopping, also taking pills he got on his own, and got some fentanyl. Similar thing with Tom Petty I think.

Fentanyl in random pills is scary. I took a LOT of sketchily-sourced pills back in the day and feel like if I did that now I’d die. My drug conversation with my kids used to be “look, you’re probably going to try drugs at some point, just talk to me about it”, but have now told them they just can’t take a random pill somebody gives them at a party or they might die.


Don’t let us stop you

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Comprehensive list but some are terrible



Peak life imo


Wrong thread, Rest in Hell.

Reads like my obituary. Except for the slam dunking part.