Bump This Thread When Jimmy Carter Outlives Someone Nonterrible

What is the number of women you are allowed to physically abuse in a lifetime to be considered non-terrible?

I vote 0, but I just get drunk and post bad memes here.


Welp, I guess MLK = terrible

The ā€œallā€ in my post referred to me, Brown, and MLK. Of course there are an abundance of terrible people out there a more expansive ā€œallā€ is fine. But there are also some non-terrible people out there too.

Kobe and Tyson are definitely not non-terrible. You can acknowledge that they were great athletes while also acknowledging that.


Well, Iā€™m mean sure if Iā€™m a family member writing it, then obviously not. If Iā€™m a journalist writing a piece, then it sure as shit rates at least a line. If the good truly outweighs it, then mentioning it shouldnā€™t be a problem. That seems to have worked as far as you are concerned.

Terrible people can sometimes do non-terrible things. Even great things. Maybe the good outweighs the bad, maybe it doesnā€™t. But you gotta weigh it.


Oh now we believe the fbi slandering mlk? The same org that tried to have him suicide himself? Fuck out of here

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We all do good. We all do bad.

The question for this and the other thread is does the good outweigh the bad?

How is that any different than believing an internet search I just made? Or believing a random person on the internet saying they havenā€™t raped a woman?

Can someone post a link to the specific MLK allegations? Something like what was posted for Brown. Iā€™m only vaguely aware of them.

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Edit: After reading, MLK solidly in non-terrible territory. Iā€™m glad I read it. I had no idea on the details. Itā€™s just a thing I heard multiple times and I put more stock in it than I should have.

Also, I must have missed where Brown was convicted.

If the binary choice is ā€œbelieve copsā€ or ā€œJim Brown is non-terrible,ā€ well, thatā€™s an easy choice for me.

Itā€™s not just cops. There were victims stating that Brown did what he did.

If youā€™re going to to take this position, just own it without beating around the bush.

Just say ā€œI donā€™t care if Jim Brown beat or raped several women. I still think he is not terrible.ā€

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Still waiting on your eternal judgement of James Brown so I can acclimate myself to the level of hypocrisy allowed.

Youā€™re the one who seems to believe judging a human being is not complicated.

I already posted it.

And hereā€™s why:

Jim Brown and James Brown are 2 different people.

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I care if James Brown and Jim Brown abused women. I still think they are not terrible.

Wait, WAT. Iā€™m pretty sure Jim Brownā€™s legal name was James. And he is the dude that weā€™ve been discussing.

If you wanted to talk about someone else, perhaps you could try being a little clearer. You really didnā€™t anticipate that it would be confusing to just throw in a ā€œJames Brownā€ into an ongoing discussion about Jim Brown? That thought didnā€™t cross your mind?

If youā€™re talking about the musician, I barely know anything about him. Nevertheless, Iā€™m happy to weigh in. Give me some links on the relevant issues to read and Iā€™ll give you my terrible or non-terrible decision.

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How about this?

ā€œI donā€™t care enough about Jim Brown beating or raping women to state that he is terrible because if it.ā€

For me, much of what determines terrible/non-terrible is how far outside the zeitgeist did oneā€™s actions go?

Owning a slave should be more terrible than being a misogynist. However, slave ownership was once such commonplace and way of life, that I can look at someone from that time period as non-terrible in a sort of (they knew not what they were doing) kind of way. To be racist now is different than being a racist just 50 years ago, since youā€™d have to go out of your way to believe that weā€™re not all just human beings

Ditto for misogyny and sexism. I can still view a transphobe as non-terrible if they havenā€™t been exposed to the science

I guess what it really comes down to for me is how far out of the way did one have to go to commit their terrible sins? Raping a woman (who isnā€™t your wife) has never been accepted as part of our moral zeitgeist in the modern age afaik. Iā€™d like to think that raping your wife hasnā€™t been accepted either in the last 20 years or so. Iā€™m sure weā€™d all like to think we wouldnā€™t have considered it acceptable even when society did. But I donā€™t think that should be our barometer for terrible and non-terrible. Soā€¦

Bill Cosby raping women = terrible
George Washington owning slaves = non-terrible
Me/Melkerson/UP being sexist = terrible
Uncle redneck being a transphobe = non-terrible
