Seems to be alive. Took three rounds of feeding to come back though which is interesting as most of the online stuff suggests it should just instantly come back.
Any tips to supercharge my starter? Goofy you mentioned the one you got from baker was way stronger. I wonder what they do? I already use bf.
Question for the master breadmakers in this thread: What is the benefit of using your your own starter instead of yeast from the store (but doing everything else the same)? It is just fun and cool, or is there a benefit to the taste/texture/whatever of the final product?
Even the slightly worse tasting of those two is still going to taste pretty great to someone who isn’t eating fresh bread on the reg. So, I vote for better pattern.
I made this NYT recipe for choc-cherry sourdough around Christmas. It uses yeast as well as starter, I believe to counteract the heaviness of the ingredients, but it was delicious.