Board Games

Been playing a lot with my kids the last few years, youngest is 7 now (I’d say things start getting interesting around 6…)

Highlights :

  • Santorini : has pretty simple base mechanics (like a more complicated 3d tic-tac-toe), but then each player starts with an extra power (out of 30 or so), so that each game feels different. Can also make the grown-up powerless to make the game fair. Despite the simple rules this requires some strategy as you need to plan several turns ahead (have only played against a 6yo so not sure how well the different powers are balanced if both players are strategic…)
  • Zombie Kidz Evolution : this is a co-op, evolving game, meaning that rules start out as very simple but then by unlocking achievements you open new rules, character powers, enemies etc…I played this with a 5 and 7 yo (also co-op means it’s less punishing if the kid is slightly too young) and we played almost every day until we unlocked everything (once you’ve done so, you will probably play the game less).
  • Paleo : also a coop game. you play as a prehistoric tribe trying to survive. has pretty unique mechanics (each turn you have to choose which card to “explore” based only on the cards’ backs). part of the fun at first is discovering all the possible outcomes. then when you already know the cards it’s still fun and strategic. The game has several possible “missions” (i.e. decks with specific objectives) to combine, difficulty can go from very easy to very hard. Box says 10+ but I’ve played a lot with a 7yo (coop helps with the difficulty). Ive mostly played with kids but from what I’ve heard it’s also good for adults, id recommend this for basically everyone.

A pretty good banger for the adeptas sororitas for Christmas

I got this for my nephews for Christmas. Definitely well-designed and everyone was a big fan.

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