Bill Gates, Billionaire Philanthropy, and the Vaccine Patents

Ikes, the only argument I’m making is that people only become experts in a subject through a lot of actual personal work and struggle. That’s pretty uncontroversial. No one’s ever become an expert in something by reading books, signing checks or sitting through powerpoint presentations. I’m asking clovis what sort of work has Gates done that make him an expert in health policy.


Can you give an example of what the minimum amount of work and struggle someone has to do to be an “expert”? This all seems like a definitional rabbit hole.

It’s for sure more than “none”!

So the team of people who eradicated smallpox probably have some pretty solid experience in public health policy and executing that policy. I’ll bet some of them are experts. Well, experts in vaccination campaigns, anyway. They’re probably not experts in like getting people to stop smoking or reducing infant mortality or whatever. Which probably brings us to another point, “global public health policy expert” isn’t even a thing. There’s a bunch of experts in a bunch of different public health fields. No one is an expert in all of those fields because no one has done substantial work in all of those fields.


Are you an expert at anything?

Two things: shitposting and some boring stuff at my job.


Imagine reading my post and still responding “none”! and then pretending you are not just a pure troll.

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Which of those items on your list do you think that Gates struggled with, encountered setbacks and failures, etc?

This is some no true scotsman rubbish.


Nice. That’s a logical fallacy that rarely gets brought up. :grinning:

No, I’m just saying he isn’t a Scotsman. Gates might have a broad and shallow knowledge of global health from sitting through a bunch of powerpoint pitches and reading books and talking to experts, but he won’t have the deep knowledge and experience of an expert on any particular topic. I’m not even sure he would dispute this! In his writing and speeches he often talks about how we need to be listening to experts but he never claims to be one of those experts.

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you… don’t know what that means do you?

what are you talking about?

find someone who looks at you like clovis looks at Bill Gates


Except I don’t care at all about gates. I care about basic facts and reasonable debate. I’ve actually made raging posts about how much I hate Microsoft. It’s the worst computer company ever.

So you’re saying Gates is a health policy expert. But he’s not an expert in any narrow, specific field in public health, right? Do you disagree with me that his knowledge in public health is at best broad and shallow, since he hasn’t actually personally done any serious work in any public health discipline?

How much do I need to read about archaeology to become an expert in the field without going out into the field?


I have no intention in engaging in your troll ménage a trois.

clovis indignantly going off in a huff is the best part of any clovis thread imo


What about history?