So if Musk is the Moonraker guy and let’s Bezo is Goldfinger, does that make Gates Blofeld (isn’t he the one with the cat??)
Yeah, the foundation is a scam because it’s a transparent PR scheme to rehabilitate his image. Which I suppose would be OK if he actually gave away all his money as penance for being an irredeemable monopolist asshole and general blight on society. But he isn’t giving away all his money, because he doesn’t want to give away all his money. He likes his money.
What a fuckin asshole!
Glad we have reached the highest level of the rhetoric where we just post a picture of a guys house as “evidence” his ideas are wrong.
I’m sure “big house, bad ideas” will go down as a rhetorical classic up there with Aristotles Rhetoric.
I didn’t say his ideas were wrong, I said his foundation is a transparent PR scam designed to fool credulous, elite-worshiping idiots into thinking he’s something other than an irredeemable asshole. Appears to be working great, too.
Ya I’m the idiot here. Lol
None of these guys have anything like the class of the old-school Bond villains. Bezos as Goldfinger? GTFO
Bill gates is billions richer than he was when he said he’d give it all away and people will still show up on message boards to lick him clean head to toe. Fantastic stuff
Has done some good stuff
(like donate billions to save millions of lives)
= wash job
Got it
Grunching. This take on poor countries being unable to produce high quality generics has been a bad one since it was used to defend aids drug profiteering in the early 2000s.
India and South africa in particular have highly developed generic pharmaceutical industries. In fact, if they waved the patents, its highly likely the generics would be produced in the same factories that are now producing vaccines on licence from the pharmas.
i don’t think there’s many US/EU companies who can produce the cutting edge stuff. open IP means there will be 5 western companies trying to cash in before any developing nation manufacturing-capable ones do.
Pussy Galore then?
just trying to bring a little levity to the convo
Isn’t he the evil hacker from Goldeneye?
Thanks for once again completely proving my point.
Is there any legitimate difference between Bill Gates and Sheldon Addison to you?
Yeah this is a false argument. As previously discussed India already produces a ton of vaccines for the pharmaceutical companies that are then mostly sent to other places.
They could start rolling off a completely safe and effective generic immediately. It’s unlikely India is a unicorn here.
India is not going to invest in increasing capacity when 95% of the yield, or more, leaves the country. Give them and others the chance. I suspect teams of experts would be readily available to consult new production.
This argument and ones like it could not be any more weak. Two of the vaccine creators both hired a Baltimore dumpster fire to make vaccines. So let’s not act like safety is some kind of concern that without the pharmaceutical companies would expire. They are not the experts in mass producing and distributing the vaccine. These companies spread all over the world are.
They aren’t even trying and it’s gross.
Be sure to let Macron know buddy (the waive of patents is just the US trying to look like it’s doing it’s bit, aka half measure)
He singled out the US in particular, calling on it to “put an end to export bans not only on vaccines but on vaccine ingredients, which prevent production”.
On Friday, Mr Macron had pointed to the fact that, so far, “100% of the vaccines produced in the United States are for the American market”.
India has one of the largest generic vaccine marketplaces in the world. They have one of the largest Covid vaccine manufacturers in the entire world, right now.
Here is the problem. Regardless why Gates or anyone else is saying don’t waive IP, or it doesn’t matter, not a single one of them has put forth even a partially decent answer as to why not
That is sus AF
I agree with you.
I made one point itt. Gates is an expert at global policy. You don’t have to agree with him. You can think he shouldn’t be part of the conversation. You can think he is an awful terrible human. All those are perfectly fair. I agree with them to some degree.
Arguing he is not an expert on global health policy is blind hatred, not reasoned argument.
The people saying I was defending him as a good guy are just not reading well.
You haven’t proven that he’s an actual expert rather than a man who has access to the advice of experts.