Bill Gates, Billionaire Philanthropy, and the Vaccine Patents

Of course it does. You are letting your hatred of rich people cloud your judgment.

I would snap bet my net worth if you polled the top 1000 global health policy experts on earth they would be something north of 80% that Gates is an expert in health policy.

Nobody, including him said he was an expert on epidemiology. We are discussing health policy.

From my understanding it isn’t we just waive it and its a free for all and people are making the vaccine in basements. We waive it and set it up in certain countries with the capabilities and help them with the process.

Again I’m not super informed on this but when all the human rights groups, doctors without borders, and almost every expert not currently funded by big pharma/gates foundation is making it very clear this is the right thing to do, while big pharma and the gates foundation is arguing it isn’t…

I’m siding with the human rights groups and doctors without borders etc.

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No dude, there are tons of ACTUAL experts who went to school and studied this shit their whole lives who are saying to do this.

Remember when Gates decided he knew a bunch about education too, used his money and influence to horribly hurt education in this country for decades?

Bill Gates health experience is fucking sitting in board rooms with CEOs. He is not a doctor, he is not a logistics expert, he is not a manufacturing expert. Lets let them decide, oh they did and they said to do this.

He even said in his Sky interview that he is regularly on the phone with big pharma CEO discussing strategy. Yeah I’m sure their primary motive is the best way to help humanity lol.


MSF specifically talks about this being a problem in the future. We’re already helping countries with certain capabilities make the vaccine. I just don’t see what this change does in the near to medium term, and I don’t think you do either.

And again, you’ve gone into conspiracy territory with the gates stuff, but can’t even demonstrate a financial interest.

Being a doctor and being a global health policy expert have little to nothing to do with each other.

I don’t disagree with some of your points about Gates but to argue he is not an expert on global health policy is just silly. I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

He has a bunch of money he gave to his own foundation which does stuff to do with public health => public health expert. Yeah, umm, no. There are many many public health experts in this world. Bill Gates is not one of them.


None of that has anything to do with if he is expert nor does your hate of rich people.

What’s the knowledge threshold for being a health policy expert? Is Gates really a policy expert or is he an intelligent non-expert who is advised by actual policy experts? If you took the top 1000 global health policy experts, how many of their jobs could Gates step in and do?

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20 years doing basically only health policy makes one an expert. Lol to stim saying he doesn’t have a degree in it.

Gates is a smart guy and he’s probably very well-informed. He just also has a massive interest in keeping rigid IP laws. Although he does say he’s trying to give his money away so ¯_(ツ)_/¯


I don’t see the point of the “is gates an expert” discussion. He’s clearly quite experienced with economies of scale wrt large public health measures, he’s also clearly not classically trained.

He’s also not in charge of anything, so I’d suggest passing on this argument.

I honestly baffled at this flavor of Gates conspiracism. He’s not in charge. No one has demonstrated a financial windfall for him. He has a long history of really giving a shit about public health wrt poverty and malaria. His position is reasonable, even if it ends up being wrong or you disagree.

How many posts on health policy to an internet political forum would it take to become an expert on health policy?


Good faith

Maybe we need Tim Cook to deal with the supply side issue if components since Gates has no usefulness on that side.


Clovis is Bill Gates?

(“Always has been” meme)

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Yeah big pharma ceos are obligated to protect their shareholders. Everything they do is to benefit them. Talking strategy with them how to inexpensively get the vaccine for the whole world, they are useless. If you want to talk to them about maximizing profits on the vaccinations and required booster shots I am sure they can power point you to death.

The problem is Gates is talking mostly to people who have huge reasons to limit how this happens.

Pharmaceutical companies are not allies in this, they are tools to be used to meet specific goals. I am fine with calling the BS threat to not innovate in the future.

I saw someone mention it would take a long time to work out a proper waiver. These people are horribly transparent.

We can invade countries in 24 hours and murder millions but we can’t figure out how to improve vaccine distribution because pharmaceutical CEOs might get fired by their shareholders? I do not care.


blink blink Huff, huff!


Woof woof!

Grrr, woof!

Bark! Bark bark bark!


Ya I’m the one bad posting.


Nobody is claiming that Gates will get a financial windfall from the vaccine. The claim is that Gates’ wealth, like most all wealth, is dependent upon the enforcement of laws that define ownership. IP is one of those things that people can own and profit from, so is owning a shit ton of stock in Microsoft, or owning a shit ton of farm land. All of those are things that Gates owns and they constitute his wealth. They are not laws of physics, they are human constructs. So, if IP law gets tossed to the side when it comes to a pandemic because unless we are sociopaths, we should be prioritizing the well being of humans over the profits of the few, then what’s next? Next thing you know we’ll be prioritizing human well-being over the rest of Gates wealth also.

Gates has a history of acting like he cares about poverty. That’s what philanthro-PR is designed to do. But because he’s one of the GOAT wealth hoarders, he has a difficult(some would say impossible) time imagining systemic change that would alleviate the root causes of poverty, because those changes would also negatively impact his wealth hoarding. So, he’s left advancing policy proposals that maintain the status quo, addressing symptoms but not the root causes of poverty.

When I chat with people IRL about Gates, general points of disagreement stem from a difference in perspective which is due to the success of his philanthro-PR, and the rest of the propaganda that attempts to justify the results of a socio-political system that creates obscenely wealthy billionaires while other humans lack basic resources.

The facts are: Gates is without a doubt one of the GOAT wealth hoarders. Knowing how people tend to view that level of greed, he has promised to give away all of his wealth (after death, ofc). He currently “gives away” portions of his wealth to his own foundation. And since he announced his intentions to do full-time philanthro-PR his personal wealth has increased, while he gets bent out of shape when people propose taxing his wealth away.

If we consider wealth hoarding to be an addiction (it is), and Gates to be an addict (he is), then we could compare him to other addicts.

Imagine if Gates was the GOAT narcotics hoarder of all time. Knowing how people would tend to view his hoarding, he promises to get clean by giving away all his drugs (after he dies, ofc). He currently “donates” some of his drugs to his own foundation. And in the past two decades Gates has actually doubled the amount of drugs that he has hoarded, while he gets bent out of shape when people propose distributing his stash before his death.

Would people credulously believe that drug hoarder Gates is anything other than an addict, who in fact is not actually committed to getting clean? I would hope not, even if people who Billy had given some of his drugs to said he was a swell guy.

Some people will still continue to listen to Gates’ comments like Mr. Show’s Worthington’s Law (more money=better than) is a real thing. Others will listen to Gates with a level of skepticism impacted by the understanding that we’re hearing the words of an addict who’s high on his own supply, and therefore can’t countenance systemic changes that would alter his GOAT-tier addict status.


@badpostingdog is good in small doses

That and I love yellow labs