Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Scolding the media and asking them to not talk about Biden’s age is not gonna work.


He absolutely does. And it’s oftentimes terrible.

I just don’t think this is one of those cases.

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Really feels like people are freaked out about the possibility of a Trump second term and want a slam-dunk candidate who lets them sleep at night without being worried about the future. They know Biden’s not that so they want to mash buttons to change things up, but no such candidate exists.


The thrust of Biden’s direction, delivered to his senior-most staff, was to significantly ramp up the campaign’s efforts to highlight the “crazy s**t” that Trump says in public, according to those sources.

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Stat of the day. 99.9999% of dunks on Silver are idiots who don’t understand the absolute basics of probability.

Dude is 82. Nuff said.

No 86 year should ever be president. Period.

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That’s sure to work. There has to be millions of Americans who have never heard trump say crazy shit. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I think everyone understands that the decision is 99.9% up to Joe Biden. If he wants to be the candidate, then he’s the candidate. If he doesn’t, then there is a pretty clear process in place to replace him that was used for 100+ years, and would be used again. And it doesn’t involve primaries.

I think most normies would be surprised by how much crazy shit he says but will also handwave it away as “Well if you’re out there giving energetic speeches all the time of course you’re going to say weird shit like water destroys magnets”

I don’t see any difference between how Biden would perform in the job and how a 50-year-old with the same policy preferences would do. Biden might actually be better.

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Heard from a very reliable expert source last night (my mom) that Biden has dementia and its much worse than the general public knows.

My source worked in an old folks home for a few months over 50 years ago and she knows first hand how to spot someone with dementia.

Also I’ve been told the media is covering it up for him. Huge if true.


I’m imagining an America where Trump loses again in 2024 and then comes back again in 2028. Like, he’s going to milk the grift for as long as he can, right?

Hopefully my 2024 fever dream is correct and maybe the Dems can figure out a reasonable candidate in the next 4 years. Not holding out much hope though.

They will shoot themselves in the foot by repealing the 22nd amendment, resulting in Biden losing to Trump in 2028 and Trump living forever

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Alexander Smirnov, 43, admitted that “officials associated with Russian intelligence” were involved in passing a story about Hunter Biden, per the government’s memorandum in support of his detention.

I think the knee jerk thoughtless reaction to get the answer they want isn’t to justify that Trump says stupid stuff, it’s whaddabout Joe Biden saying crazy stuff too!

Nah, his legal issues will finally catch up to him if he doesn’t win the presidency.

Then you have never met an 80 year old.

It’s the most demanding job on earth for christs sake with tiny sleep and massive stress. It literally ages people at like a 200% rate. See Obama.

Everything else’s equal any 50 year old would crush Biden.

I agree. This is ONLY scenario where he ever faces any actual repercussions.

The presidency is such a large job that it can really only be done well through teamwork and delegation of tasks. I think Biden understands his limitations and has worked to give all parts of the party representation, although Manchin blocked some of his more progressive choices. A younger person might be more egotistical and believe they can do more by themselves. And, of course, Trump surrounds himself with trash and a second term would somehow have more human garbage than the first.

If Biden is re-elected, the segments of the Democratic coalition that give him the most loyalty against people calling for him to step down are going to be rewarded.

An 82-year-old can be quite capable of doing the job, problem is the public perception.

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