Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Looks like Turbo Tax did pull out also. Here’s a site that has some options. Not sure how current it is.

It’s been like this in Norway for ages, except you don’t even need to click OK. Of course, the system here is simpler, both because we’re a small country and because of years of simplifying the tax code.

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Are there any free tax filing sites that do state income e-file for free with no restrictions?

I’ve been using this since it was Credit Karma Tax and have had no problems e-filing State and Federal.

Why does it feel like 90% of the ecomomy is based on fucking things up and making them difficult then getting you to pay to unfuck them?

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Obsfucation is a core part of their marketing campaign.

Actually the irs has pushed for a free version for years but the lobbyists of tax companies have fought tooth and nail from happening.

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Fucking MBA’s ruining everything.

Be Best. Okay. But biden’s the one doing the bullying in this story. Is biden coming out against antibullying?


It’s okay to bully the bully. Double negative os.

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Oh good, more Orange Man Bad bullshit. What does sending Trump “off message” even mean? Biden just has to tell everyone he’s going to keep abortion legal and he’ll win, Dems suck so hard at politics at a fundamental level.

If trump is taunting someone and the story is trump’s people are ordered to continue the taunting in order to further upset the victim, it’d be natural to say “be best” because that’s his wife’s antibullying campaign and you’re exposing hipocracy.

Maybe the bebest remark is just to remind trump that his wife hates him and biden realized the voters don’t care about antibullying anymore, so there shouldn’t be pushback for him being a hypocrite because antibullying was just a dumb fad

I’m not sure it’s quite time for this; I expect we’ll be hearing plenty about abortion.


I like nuclear power, but I’m not crazy about expanding it with waste disposal basically intractible politically and renewables getting cheaper.

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There is no serious decarbonization plan that doesn’t include significant nuclear power expansion.

The price for renewables is on the way up because projects are unable to get access to the grid as public opposition to transmission projects grows.

The biggest problem with renewable power is that the best places to make it are in the middle of the county where nobody lives. It has to get to the coasts somehow.


The economics of new construction nuclear power plants need to improve for them to be a real contender, but keeping existing reactors open or restarting old ones is a huge win.

Nuclear waste is such a non-issue. Just put it literally anywhere and don’t pour it in the ocean or the groundwater. Problem solved!

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Well not anywhere but your general point is correct. :grin:

what do you mean by this? the price of renewables is still dropping, even though interest rates have given some projects a haircut. what public opposition to transmission?

i don’t think this is true. there’s obvious differences between northern/southern states for solar, and hydro can only exist in specific landscapes, but many renewables can be deployed with greater flexibility than centralized power plants, not least of which is they can go on private lands. and you still have to transmit the power from nuclear to consumers. it’s not like power generated by nuclear doesn’t travel thousands of miles.

Maybe we should move the coasts to the middle of the country.