Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

That the wearer is an idiot?

Why is the wearer an idiot? Do you think the shirt expresses the idea that Joe Biden is a radical left politician?

Because she apparently earnestly believes that supporting Liz Warren makes her ā€œRadical Leftā€

I donā€™t think that wearing that shirt and voting for Liz Warren or Joe Biden implies at all that you believe that those politicians are Radical Left, or that voting for them is a Radical Left action. Seems like a basic logic disconnect.

A basic logic disconnect on her part, yea. She said she wasnā€™t wearing it tongue-in-cheek, confirming that she views herself as a radical leftist, and then says she voted for Liz Warren in 2020. Those two things donā€™t compute, but going beyond that would be relitigating the 2020 primary so letā€™s just agree to disagree.

If it was a sarcastic shirt about how Republicans call all conservative Dems ā€œRadical leftistsā€ then yea I can see the joke, but not if sheā€™s wearing it seriously.

Who would a Radical Leftist needed to have voted for in the 2020 primary in order to not be an idiot? Also, thereā€™s distinct possibility that her politics have shifted within the past 4 years. We donā€™t know that Radical Leftist is a label she would self apply in 2020.

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Iā€™m not seeing the contradiction. If sheā€™d voted for Bernie Sanders would she be okay?

The comments all just seem to be Twitter assholes look-shaming her, so thatā€™s no help.

lulz. Bernie wasnā€™t even if favor of getting rid of the filibuster. That would make you an even bigger idiot.

If her politics had shifted, why would she reference her vote for Liz when asked if she was non-sarcastically wearing a ā€œRadical Leftā€ shirt?

The tweet is making the point that even the radical left is supporting Biden. Iā€™m making the point that being a former Lizbro does not make you ā€œRadical Leftā€

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Yeah it seems like a logic fail if you were presented with
a) Julie identifies as a Radical Leftist
b) Julie voted for Elizabeth Warren

True or False, Julie therefore believes that her act of voting for Elizabeth Warren serves to define her as a Radical Leftist.

And you answer True.

Letā€™s say thereā€™s someone wearing a shirt that says ā€œReagan/Bush Republicans for Bidenā€. And you asked them who they supported in 2016, and they said Cruz. Whatā€™s the verdict there? Illogical idiot?

Warren revealed herself to be a corporatist plant when she frontstabbed bernie on the debate stage with a false charge of sexism.

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I donā€™t see anyone making that claim.

do we think thereā€™s any actual red line with Abbott to make Biden go Eisenhower on him? Like Abbottā€™s penning secession fan fiction press releases about how the State must do whatever it takes to stand up to a lawless president. and you have other maga governors like Stitt and even Younkin joining in.

is this just one of those things where Biden is going to refuse to even make a harsh negative comment before the election?

Idk, but if he wants to win Michigan he could have the national guard shut down Ohio State

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Well donā€™t yell at me for it, go yell at Twitter guy, because:

The tweet is making that claim

The tweet is clearly using her Liz support as ā€œevidenceā€ that sheā€™s a Radical Leftist, and if she offered that evidence to Mr Tweeter then clearly she believes it too. I donā€™t understand whatā€™s so confusing about that.

The tweet simply says that she calls herself a leftist and that she voted for Warren, not that voting for Warren is proof of her radical lefty bona fides. Itā€™s possible that she considers herself a leftist but settles for voting for Warren/Biden/etc instead of going third party or sitting out the election. That was my initial impression of the message the shirt was supposed to be conveying.


Being a Liz supporter doesnā€™t meet my definition of Radical Leftist, but itā€™s reasonable if it makes yours.

Cmon guys. The implication of the tweet is clear as day, otherwise why mention her 2020 vote at all.